I work in Fortune 100 so I get a LOT of messages but I'm getting really sick and tired of these.. weirdo's that are really ruining the real profession of consultant related jobs.

    On my Linkedin I get so many people claiming themselves as Guru who can "hack" the market and help me.

    Then there is MENTORS who offers me mentorship to allow me to grow successful business.

    AND there are advisors who want to become my advisor and help me get through tough situations.

    And I'm pretty sure they are copy pasting this to every single person they see.

    I have no issue with legit professional individuals doing this. But what pisses me off is that 99.9% of their linkedin resume consists of unreliable history.

    Something like,

    Car salesman suddenly becoming expert industry leading marketing guru.
    Barista in Starbucks is now somehow ecommerce guru
    Retail store clerk becomes mind bending advisor
    Recent Uni grad becomes financial mentor after 2 years of graduating

    Just had to rant. Sorry. So frustrating to see these type of people putting bad name on the real ones out there.

    Anyone sick and tired of these “Guru’s, Mentors, Advisors”?
    byu/089ten inEntrepreneur

    Posted by 089ten


    1. Most of time when people bitch, they also complain all the information in a course was available on the internet for free. Reason they are fussing is they don’t want that information — they want a workaround for, well …work.

      This tax on naïveté is useful in getting people who should know better to stop looking for the cheatcode, the shortcut, the hack. For a very few, there may be a dawning realization it was their own scheming that caused most if not all their problems.

      People are only pissed because they are having trouble finding The One True Guru^TM with the one magical ‘right answer.’ Which is just as fictional as the answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, The Universe, and Everything in Hitchhiker’s Guide to The Galaxy. Uncoincidentally that’s the motivation for advancing artificial intelligence.

      If you feel yourself reaching for your wallet, stop yourself. You have just seen ‘the answer.’ What you have to do now is use the ingenuity and resourcefulness you lied to yourself about having and apply it to your own special snowflake project. There’s a good (freelance) unpaid intern.

    2. effyochicken on

      Consultancy has always been filled with fakes even at the highest level.

      I’ve seen “consultants” in the thing I’m currently an expert at. They’re full of shit and don’t actually do the thing they’re consulting anymore. Most of them haven’t touched the actual work in 5-10 years and they don’t know what the current pain points actually are.

      Also the majority of them work for or with specific software/service companies and are actually sales reps, so they have incentive to funnel customers towards specific products and workflows.

    3. There’s always going to be snake oil salesmen and fakers, we just have to be diligent and call them out. Issues from my experience is, due to their company’s name they tend to get the ears of upper management, and that’s simply due to the fact they golf together.

    4. TBH i am mostly sick and tired of people complaining about them.

      It´s how you curate your internet usage. For me they dont come up on YouTube or instagram anymore because eventually I started to never clicked on them, sometimes muted them, taught the algorithms that this is not content I will engage with. LinkedIn is just sales navigator spam mails, it’s what you are going to get with a public profile. You can limit who can contact you fairly strickt, so people only can try to contact you if they can enter your LI e-mail first.

      Theres close to four million new videos on YouTube per day. You are picking your poison. It’s just an illusion that someone else is.

      Asides that, for some jobs vita matters, for other jobs having a non conforming history can be quite interesting. For myself for example I am gifted (like, literally, not in an everyone is special sense, my brain just works super quick) and that comes with a ton of baggage. Maximum bad grades in school because I was bored and dyslexic, taking on the believe of not being good enough because of the resulting repetition of being told that as a child, becoming very shy, ending up earning scraps doing warehouse jobs, making it to university, struggling there to due to the self doubt, working on my shyness creating massive transformation, going into more people oriented work like giving tours, escape room game master, photographer, realizing at some odd late point in life that I never learned to learn because I just did not need to (wich of cause also brings problems at certain levels, remember its also baggage) ect. ect. – HR departments are probably crying with laughter about my vita when they see it. “To little experience” “never did anything for a long time” while people that get to know me usually benefit from it quite a lot. – It’s living life getting to know people, only getting jobs through the back door. What a fun benefit of having a brain that allegedly works quicker than the brains of 99% of the people on the planet.

      So now I am self employed as a – gasp – coach. Not a Guru, not a Mentor, not an advisor. A coach coaches. Coaching means active listening, facilitating growth in the client, not giving advice but helping them via questions to figure out what is the right way for them to solve a problem or work on a goal/dream. I LOVE doing that, because not only dos it tickle my brain to solve the puzzle of helping somebody else to solve their puzzle and because my heart is deeply engaged with wanting to give other people the opportunity to not do it all by themselves as I had to do, to get there a little bit or even a lot quicker. And overqualified, not because “working as a team lead for three years minimum” would be nice, but because (asides high class long term education on the actual practice of coaching) I actually am through massive transformation – so when I am sitting with you I am doing so with the grounded and stable energy that is must be possible for you as well that it will have a positive effect on your journey even if you end up doing 99% of the talking. – No resume will be able to tell you that. You probably need to feel it to understand it. But you know, im probably just a fake guru coach scammer that simply wants to take your money and run. 😉

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