About 11 years ago I sold my whole ~$3k portfolio to pay some debts before I got married. Somehow I accidentally kept like $40-50 of NVDA. I've just let it ride since. Check out the total gain %


    Posted by heavymetalpaul


    1. Sucks you didn’t keep half back then. You’d be balling now in a lambo

    2. ImmortalStallion on

      Over 10k nice! Now Etrade will let you see live streaming prices for free.

    3. That’s crazy!! I did a similar thing, sold it all because I was getting married and lost out on huge gains. If you’re like me, then you cashed out so you could build a kick ass life worth more than money, and you wouldn’t change it for the world! (even though it would be a lot cooler if we were smarter with our money “back then”)!

    4. Icy-Success-69 on

      Nah nah nah, you are doing it wrong, the chart is supposed to be red.

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