SpaceX Weighs Plan to Sell Shares at $200 Billion Valuation

    Posted by throwaway472105


    1. longeraugust on

      Worth way more than that.

      Tesla is a fuckfest of a shit show.

      SpaceX is actually worth trillions.

    2. Who could have thought that taking idiotic positions cost so much that now he needs make Space X public.

      The cost of taking the red pill. 

      He will never make it to Mars.

    3. ramdomvariableX on

      Generational Cult bag holders in the making. Space things you wont even have to prove anything for decades, so very looooong con.

    4. With this Elon completes the saga. If this goes through he will have successfully stolen billions of tax payer dollars for himself. (Without gov subsidies both tesla and spacex would have never been successful)

    5. This actually feels quite cheap?

      Is this a one of one company in the world in terms of what it offers?

    6. SenoritaSpock on

      I can’t read the whole article. Like a IPO? Or selling to another investor?

    7. Syab_of_Caltrops on

      Regard: “So, what’s your business model?”

      Musk: “We take government money and blow up really, really, really expensive rockets.”

      Regard: “SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!”

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