
    Posted by Prestigious-Bad-2644


    1. **User Report**| | | |
      **Total Submissions** | 1 | **First Seen In WSB** | just now
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      **Account Age** | 2 years | |

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    2. nice one. had one qqq put that was 220%. bought yesterday and sold for profit. 1131% is nuts man congrats and nice play

    3. Let’s see that all time ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    4. AwayCrab5244 on

      Yeah if I put in 250$ a day for a year I’m sure I could do this too at least once

    5. Why the fuck did. You cut off what you invested in? Did you run a simulation?

    6. felixnumberone on

      is it maybe possible to make it a rule that gains are only allowed to be posted with some kind of info on the actual trade? green candles are nice and all but cmon

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