My ex and I had a policy together. Both listed as drivers on each others cars though neither of us were on the other’s title. He made a total loss claim on his car that he crashed right before we split the policy. That happened right at renewal. My rate was $90 something after we split.
    Now they’re trying to tell me that my rate will be ~$250 because there’s a claim on my policy. That surely can’t be right. Can they really pin me with an accident that was not my fault and that I wasn’t even present for??
    I later learned that they should have never allowed us to have a joint account to begin with but they lied and said we were married to get us a lower rate, and now are telling me that I’m screwed for the next three years.

    Is there recourse for my car insurance?
    byu/Desperate_Yam4150 inInsurance

    Posted by Desperate_Yam4150


    1. Euphoric-Computer889 on

      I’m don’t know if they can but I’m required to list anyone that resides in my house. My ex moved out and I got divorced in 2020. I requested my exes name be taken off my policy every 3-6 months and they would say they would but it never happened. He even had a separate policy with the same company after the divorce. Earlier this year switched companies. That seemed to be the only way I could do it. I hope you have better luck. My rates were cut in half once he was off.

    2. Make sure he is no longer listed as a driver on your policy (assuming that he no longer drives the vehicle and is no longer a household member). If that was already done, I would still double check that they do not have him listed as a driver. If you confirmed that, I would call the claims adjuster for the loss he was involved in and ask for a letter of experience that goes over who was the driver, the facts of loss, and what was paid out. That can possibly help.

      If that does not work, you might want to shop around with other carriers.

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