My 17 year old brother is having car issues so for the past few days he’s taken my car. My car is fully paid off and insured, but liability only. My brother called me tonight and wants to take the car on a long distance trip. He’ll return back in a few days, but I am concerned about him driving it beyond school and work without being on my insurance. He is insured through his own plan, but my car is obviously on mine.

    My question is, if god forbid something were to happen and he had an accident, whose insurance is going to be covering it? If he totaled my car that would be a separate issue, but I’m mostly worried about if he hits another person or causes damage is this all going to fall in my lap?

    To add, he’s a good driver. And it’s not much but in his near 2 years of driving he hasn’t had any accidents or even near accidents. I just want to make sure that I know what to expect if something does go wrong since he’ll be driving far. And I don’t really want to go through the hassle of adding him to my policy because his car should be fixed in a few days.


    Brother is using my car – who’s insurance?
    byu/FickleDonna inInsurance

    Posted by FickleDonna


    1. Juliette787 on

      According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Commission, nearly 70 percent of all collisions occur within 10 miles of home. So the probability of him getting into an accident on a long distant trip is slimmer than your current risk tolerance.

      Joking aside, I’m in the same situation, waiting for a legitimate answer.

    2. Defiant-Goddess2U on

      If he gets in an accident and is at fault, your insurance will be primary. Insurance follows the vehicle. His would be secondary for any excess.

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