1. Prior-Bonus6130 on

      Let me ask you this: If you have a technical co-founder, why do you feel the need to learn about software? Do you not trust them? This is an honest question… imo you should both be focusing on your respective strength and value add in the biz.

    2. This might not be the very best forum to get programming advice. Besides that is not the stated objective:

      >enough so that I can plan and communicate effectively with my technical co-founder and dev team

      Lots of issues here, the confusion of employee with management being a big one. You do not need to code. You need to manage coders — the spelling is not the only difference.

      The Inmates Are Running the Asylum: Why High Tech Products Drive Us Crazy and How to Restore the Sanity by Alan Cooper.

      The Art of ‘Ware by Bruce Webster, a treatise on software development based on the principles laid out in Sun Tzu’s Art of War.

      Last and least is anything about using pseudocode for project management, which is the proper founder role for communicating with the precision programmers need.

      As you plainly write — and it will be disputed by many, to be sure — it is not necessary to develop software by yourself. Being an inferior code monkey isn’t helpful to project development; it is the last resort of people who start a business with no money.

      Almost all of the advice is predicated on the faulty assumption you are either writing code or you are dead weight. This is the tail wagging the dog, and a failure point for all software development.

      [NON-TECHNICAL FOUNDERS: STOP TRYING TO LEARN HOW TO CODE](https://technori.com/2013/01/2934-non-technical-founders-stop-trying-to-learn-how-to-code/marylemmer/) There are many such articles nobody here wants to accept; this is just one example.

      [The Perils of Prototyping by Alan Cooper](https://www.ece.uvic.ca/~aalbu/SENG%20310%202007/perils.pdf) Which is harder to change: a program with 1000 lines of code or a 1000 square foot slab of concrete?

      Another answer to a question nobody asked, and nobody cares to know. Obviously, that makes it of critical importance to keep your project from running off-the-rails. Also clears up that nasty habit of saying “em-vee-pee” over projects that do not resemble Minimum Viable Product or Lean in any way.

      [The God Login](https://blog.codinghorror.com/the-god-login/) just one of many concepts they don’t teach you in code monkey summer camp.

      [It’s Not Just Usability — Joel on Software](https://www.joelonsoftware.com/2004/09/06/its-not-just-usability/) nice because it gives a nod to Daynah Boyd’s Autistic Social Software

      [Taking the “You” Out of User: My Experience Using Personas](https://boxesandarrows.com/taking-the-you-out-of-user-my-experience-using-personas/) in other words, Slack is not the only way to communicate with programmers.

    3. Limitless2115 on

      It’s not that easy.

      Depends on the desired skills, technologies, and frameworks you’d like to learn.

      A good start can be checking out from the Google some programming roadmaps, to see what interests you and then using free resource to start learning like YouTube tutorials, websites around languages, frameworks, etc.

      And your dev team should help you get started 😉

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