I got into an accident a month ago and was assigned to a collision centre to get my car repaired. I was told the repair would take minimum 2 weeks and that they would provide a rental for $37/day.

    Is this normal? I don’t plan on taking it cause I’ve been laid off so I don’t have much places to go at this point. Is there a workaround to get it reimbursed through the at-fault parties insurance or something?

    Got into an accident, is it normal to be charged for the rental car?
    byu/Powerful_Ad_51 inInsurance

    Posted by Powerful_Ad_51


    1. If you are using your insurance, you can ask for them to cash out the rental, some will and some won’t. If they won’t, you can ask the other insurance for lots of use payment. They will likely tell you that they will need to wait for the subrogation demand from your insurance first to consider loss of use

    2. >Is there a workaround to get it reimbursed through the at-fault parties insurance or something?

      If you’re not taking your vehicle in for repairs and it is still in a driveable condition, the at-fault will only reimburse you for loss of use costs while it was in the shop.

      If you’re not taking your vehicle in for repairs and it isn’t driveable, the at-fault will make a determination on “reasonable” loss of use for your vehicle and will pay for that.

      If you try to inflate the number of days you can’t drive your vehicle for a bigger loss of use payment, well, you’re putting yourself at risk for possible insurance fraud.

    3. DashboardError on

      Yes… Unless you have a rental addendum in your auto insurance. Mine shows something like SF pays 80% of all rental fees up to $2K or something like that. I guess it’s possible that the other team could be on the hook for your car rental fees but that depends.

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