If market opens green. Ill be going 20k deep in these puts. Pray for me boys. Will update after position is closed.


    Posted by PsychologicalGrand79


    1. Select_Cantaloupe_62 on

      Why would you piss away 20k like that?
      How can anyone think NVDA is going to collapse this week!?

    2. nouserissave on

      100% you won’t screenshot them Tuesday morning after open. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31224) bc you probably are lying and this will be canceled within tomorrow.

    3. AirborneMarburg on

      At least you have a couple days to rethink this. God Speed. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)

    4. I’ll give you a special rate for my introductory course on selling dumpster rides.

    5. Various_Cabinet_5071 on

      You could buy $10k worth of calls and $10k worth of puts and be up more. Since it almost always squeezes higher than people expect, covering your inevitable loss in puts. Depends on when you buy the calls and how far away the expiration is, ofc

    6. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    7. Rouge_Apple on

      I’ve been reading “Bull Run” for months on calls, and this guy does this.

    8. Honestly everyone telling you you’re a fool makes me want to copy this play…

    9. They’re doing a 10:1 split in a matter of weeks. If you’re just gonna give away fuckin money I can give you the wiring instructions to my student loan servicer.

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