1. Bronze_Rager on

      The question you should be asking is if inflation is running hot from the demand side or the supply side.

      Supply chains have mostly been worked through. American’s are still spending like crazy, so demand still remains high.

    2. Recovering from what? The economy is, and has been, strong for a couple years now.

    3. bigdonkey2883 on

      You don’t get it. Its good for the rich. No one cares about the poor.

      Rich are doing good, poor are getting poorer

      I’m at the lake of Ozarks and everywhere is packed and there is bigger and bigger boats everywhere. I’m talking ocean boats on a lake. O there boat dock has a helicopter on it too.

    4. JaBitteNeinDanke on

      Go to your closest Wallmarkt and ask the people how the economy is doing for them. The economy is shit except for asset holders.

    5. The conditions of the working class will never improve because people are too selfish to unite sincerely and voting is ineffective.

    6. As soon as the election finishes, no matter who wins, the Fed is going to turn into SuperHawk and attack inflation full-bore. They won’t need to worry about accusations of tampering and let the economy tank or not as it will with whatever Rates are necessary to drive down inflation.

    7. If you are an economist — then the Economy is doing great ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)

      If you are a worker — the the Economy sucks ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|downvote)

    8. Weary_Method_4487 on

      It’s manageable if you own stocks, have a six-figure salary, and have a fixed mortgage before March 2022.

      Inflation and interest rates are crushing everyone else. And no, inflation is not tamed and interest rates aren’t coming down anytime soon.

    9. muppet0o0theory on

      See this is why I’ve been panning for gold in the Sierra Nevada for the last year. The market is a lie but I can always trade some gold nuggies for whiskey and a steak. What else do you need? I’ve got my pet bald eagle Rusty, an angry hernia and squatters rights to a cabin made of poison splinters. You are all cowards. Especially you, Kendrick Lamar.

    10. We printed 7 trillion and dumped it in the economy. Wall Street approved, international corporations approved, small business and the poor and elderly were crushed. Today it was reported that 69% of small businesses are behind on their rent payments, and small business hired over 60% of the population. So, we’re burning fuel from the last of the “free” money, then everything goes dark, as planned..

    11. ideletedmyaccount04 on

      We are in a huge debt expansion. The government, corporations and citizens all around the world are in the biggest debt bubble in history. Everything is great today. Some day it will bust. Don’t trade on margin, or have credit card debt.

      For really bad gamblers, go bust and build from scratch. But when you come back, watch your debts.

    12. Thedondada900 on

      The only factor that makes me say no is the massive amount of credit card debt and rising delinquencies on cc payments. Yes people are spending but it’s largely money they don’t have. Where will this leave the average american in just 2-3 years time considering how highly average cc interest rates are. What will happen to the banks as more and more of their money is loaned out to people that can’t possibly pay it back. Not to be the guys screaming recession but some aspects give some comparison to the 2008 housing collapse. Same concept regarding poor lending habits from banks and crippling financial positions for the average American. I’d say Senator Josh Hawley a year ago started to see the trend taking place and proposed a max interest rate of 18% for cc’s. Sure maybe banks would make a killing at first but it’s only so long they can keep up before it starts restricting their ability to issue new loans and sustainably run business. But all in all i’m just a dumb ass who throws money at a dart board to pick my next money-vanishing magic trick with. Ily you interstellar freak

    13. Pitiful_Difficulty_3 on

      It’s fantastic for the rich, bad for the poor. My boss just bought a new house because he bought a ton of NVDA during the 2022 bottom

    14. NormanMitis on

      Stocks are going up because the Fed is pumping liquidity into the market and can’t stop, the economy is almost irrelevant now.

    15. upside_win111 on

      Yes. Wait lines at Din Tai Fung are still 1.5+ hours. My local lululemon is still rife with Becky’s. So many damn VIPs at EDC ($1000+ tickets) it felt so crowded. I’ve had DoorDash delivered multiple times now with people driving Model X teslas. Went to an open house and some guy in a green logo jacket was writing a check for a 4m house. RECESSION. IS. CANCELED.

    16. Go watch the great taking… you’ll have your answers there. To understand where we are headed, you must understand where we have already been. It doesn’t matter if it’s recovering, that was never the plan. The wealth gap is growing and we will continue to fight among ourselves instead of holding the real villains accountable. Tinfoil or not, the truth is right in front of us. Enjoy the ride, play by their rules, and be happy with nothing.

    17. I keep hearing people say the economy is in a recession but my eyes tell me differently. I had to run errands today and every place I went was packed!!

    18. Professional_North96 on

      Imo yes and no, yes if you’re rich
      If you’re poor you’re only poorer now

    19. Papa Powell is in a corner with his back up against a wall.

      No one believes it when I say it, but a rate cut is coming soon. Sooner than later. And with that, the money printers turn back on, stimulating the economy.

    20. The economy is doing GREAT – for those who own assets – stocks, real estate, even cash is earning 5.25%, for the first time in almost 20 years.

      If you don’t own assets, you’re screwed.

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