The Suez Crisis

    We are now less than two hours from the time set for an agreed ceasefire, without commitments from the three Governments, which so far have not indicated their acceptance. The third report: Document A/3289 is my first report in reply to the request of the Assembly that, within 48 hours, the Secretary-General present a plan for the establishment of a United Nations force to secure and supervise the cessation of hostilities.

    In July 1956, Egypt nationalized the Suez Canal Company over the protest of France and the United Kingdom. In October 1956, Israeli forces launched an attack on Egypt and occupied Sinai, with British and French troops landing soon after in the Suez Canal Zone.

    The United Nations was unable to resolve the matter in the Security Council and it was referred to the General Assembly. UN Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjöld put forward his plans for the establishment of the first United Nations peacekeeping force (United Nations Emergency Force), to supervise the withdrawal of the three occupying forces and, after the withdrawal was completed, to act as a buffer between the Egyptian and Israeli forces and to provide impartial supervision of the ceasefire.

    Utilizing materials from the UN Audiovisual Library, this production explores this historic timeline as captured by UN media coverage.

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