    The situation is:
    I moved with my friends and my girlfriend for 3 months. She has a car that is under her name, but the insurance is under her parents name (address based on her previous place of living). I don't own a car, but I want to be able to drive and I need insurance in my state to drive.
    What is the best way to do it? I don't think I can get a non-owners insurance (none of the companies I called said yes to that). However I was wondering if I can get insurance in some other way? For example, if she leases her car to me and then i get insurance based on that, will that work? Will she still be able to drive it as well?

    Auto insurance if I don’t own a car
    byu/Can-Standard inInsurance

    Posted by Can-Standard


    1. Admirable_Height3696 on

      Your girlfriend needs to get her own insurance policy and add you as a driver. She’s probably playing with fire here by having her car insured under her parents policy at their address. They don’t have an insurable interest in the car and are commuting rate evasion if their address is the garaging address.

    2. EmberOnTheSea on

      Your girlfriend is likely committing insurance fraud. She needs to get her own policy and list you on it as a driver.

    3. Which State?

      Also your girlfriend may not be covered as she is not living with her parents and she is not at the address it is insured at.

      If the vehicle is in your girlfriends name insurance should be in her name.

      Look up Rate Evasion for more details.

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