What happens to NVDA when china invades taiwan? I guess infrastructure can’t be airlifted overnight… What other stock is invasion proof?


    Posted by Mother-Platform-1778


    1. Molassesonthebed on

      Everything will drop like a brick with exception of oil, defense stock and gold

    2. So becoming a big successful company is now nothing worth anymore? when you supply nearly everyone than you are a bubble? Or maybe just something like the oil industry? Unfuckable?

    3. Ultrabananna on

      Within a couple of years once the new fabs open up . They’re not gonna care about Taiwan as much…

    4. And you wondering why its important to make clear why the west needs to defend taiwan if necessary? their semis are carrying the western economy for years

    5. lalunafortuna on

      A better question might be “what happens to China if China invades Taiwan”.

    6. Won’t happen until China can get away with it without causing war. So maybe not for a very long time.

    7. Spirit-of-investing on

      Why would China invade Taiwan?Post like this is a joke.Talking about something imaginary.Are you trying to short the stock with this nonsense?

    8. Calculator143 on

      This won’t happen. With this kind of money, nvda can establish its own naval forces and protect its assets 

    9. Can’t see INTC. Must have dropped to the second page ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)

    10. China is weak af. When’s the last time you saw them fight in a war? Like when the great wall of China was built? Yall think they are some powehourse.. they ain’t. They basically a bigger north korea

    11. BranFendigaidd on

      China ain’t attacking Taiwan. Not anytime in the next years. China ain’t that stupid. They will keep talking cause they need to show “power” and distract everyone from their problems. But even they know that a war with Taiwan will mean the end for them as well. Not only for the rest of the world. China can’t survive without pushing shit abroad. China will try to use cyberattacks and propaganda machine for Taiwan, but that will take loooots of time to even has a chance of success. So chill.

    12. Ontanoi_Vesal on

      I don’t care what you think about this guy, me, or your *world view of turds and caicos* (i.e. this is my opinion, and I don’t give a F*k about yours)… but… even a broken clock is right 2 times a day… so watch and enjoy the ride… OP has a point:


    13. Sell $NVDA, wait for news, reinvest in $NVDA at a discount. Cash preserved.

      Lots of people die, destruction all over, entire industries, markets and ecosystems break… but it’s “all priced in”.

      Cause we are sick fucks.

    14. chespirito2 on

      I can’t even believe pure storage has gone up that much this year, I totally missed the boat there and I used to monitor that stock

    15. LostRedditor5 on

      Speculating this kind of stuff is mostly a waste of time

      Unless you’re going to build your entire portfolio around china invading Taiwan you’ll probably take such a massive hit to your portfolio that any edge you gain from holding some china invasion stock will be nullified

      And in the meantime say you hold some shitter like Intel and the invasion never comes you lose all the gains from just participating normally in the market with that money

    16. long_nipple_lover on

      Believe it or not. If China invades, stocks will go up even more. Not even kidding.

    17. EfficientPizza on

      Transfer all your positions to my account. I will keep them safe for you while you wait for an invasion that will never come.

    18. They say they have a kill switch in their chips software. I’d love to see them switch China off and watch the chaos unfold.

    19. Lilherb2021 on

      The bigger question is, what is the United States official position as to China – Taiwan? We officially recognize the one- China policy, but our rhetoric does not. Would our government actually go to war with China to protect Taiwan?? China wants desperately to resolve this because they know that a war with us would be devastating to their economy. Everything would go back to reading “made in Japan”.

    20. _chippchapp_ on

      I stocked up some infineon.

      Terrible company – but their exposure to Taiwan is more limited than other chip companies afaik plus they profit from european derisking policies.

      Still they are a terrible company. While i made 300% on NVDIA i made 30% on infineon.

    21. Blackhawk149 on

      Infrastructure can be rebuilt in few years. It’s the labor know how that takes years and years of development

    22. superhighiqguy89 on

      Nvidia would drop 10%, which is the same amount China spends annually on their military. General Huang would fuck them up

    23. No-Document-8440 on

      Well this is something I haven’t considered… interesting possibility to consider. Great question

    24. Library_Throwaway999 on

      Everything drops, everyone in this sub who is angry about losing their life savings enlists in the Taiwanese army.

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