When they say hop on option market. I'm still surviving lol. Life is great 👍


    Posted by Background-Success90


    1. Trading_View_Loss on

      Came buckets. Still shuddering and basking in the afterglow. Thank you.

    2. Longjumping-Week8761 on

      You were better off going to Cali spending this and mailing the ⛽ back

    3. Posts like these make me hope it’s just photo shopped.![img](emote|t5_2th52|4640)

    4. Squishy-Pickle on

      That is the most violent downtrend I have ever seen![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    5. UtahItalian on

      What’s the timeline on this? I hope it’s in weeks and not years. Can you imagine consistently losing for 5 years but keeps buying anyways?

    6. Literally never made a penny.

      You paid a Harvard tuition for a party school education.

    7. bossmasterham on

      Well they said put some time on em but you musta been def for that one

    8. Just take out what’s left and close out the account and start over. Blue chips companies and voo and chill. Don’t get near options no matter what

    9. alwayslucky7 on

      Put that $2000 into GOOGLE C – long 2025

      You’ll have $12k by the end of the year

      Wash and repeat

      *its a wash bb*

    10. permalink_child on

      Down $220,000. In hind sight, I would have bought some amazing bottles, cases of French wine. Same outcome in the end, but more fun my way.

    11. How do you ride that much money down like that? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)

    12. DrSilkyDelicious on

      WSB: collectively makes jokes about losing money

      OP: This is the universe telling me to do options

    13. Please I need to buy your next bet.
      Don’t resign ! And don’t change your thinking procedure !
      Sell your algorithm!

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