1. Durumbuzafeju on

      Because it was widely overpriced according to every stock valuation method. And if you are thinking in a time horizon of 30 years it is conterproductive to base your decisions on hype that can evaporate in weeks.

      Yes, this way you miss all the meme stocks, but do not lose money when they tank.

    2. Galumpadump on

      You can do this with every successful company. I told my Dad to buy Chipotle stock when it was $40 a share lmao I remember talking to my buddies about bitcoin in 2013-2014 saying “damn we missed the boat to buy it when it was pennies”.

      They are about to split and if you believe in what Nvidia is doing buy now.

      I’m sure there is some 70 year old kicking himself for not getting Apple or Microsoft when they were just going public.

    3. Usernamecheckout101 on

      I was busy banging somebody else’s grandma and yeah I didn’t have the money

    4. I thought IBM was gonna unfuck itself (if we’re talking around 2016). If we’re talking after that year well, I was too poor.

    5. Most people that didn’t buy nvda won’t be able procreate so they don’t have to worry about grandsons

    6. Yeah, about that. Well I was doing S&P500 while banging hookers on weekends.

    7. Johnny_Menace on

      I thought the price was too high at $200,$300,$400,$500… ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)

    8. I did buy it… truly had 10,000 shares in 07 with “BANC of America” yes they really called their investment branch of BAC that. My broker who I thought I could trust executed a stop loss order on a high frequency trading swing 60% lower than my stop loss… didn’t even call me and later told me “you weren’t a big enough fish to call”. I love nvidia, as a pro custom pc builder I have personally purchased prob over a thousand of their cards in my life…. but I just can’t bring myself to buy the stock again… I learned 2 things that day… Never have a stop loss order….never trust a broker and do shit yourself.

    9. RastaImp0sta on

      Says the guy with a burner account that has definitely blown through their life savings multiple times over and will likely leave their offspring in debt.

    10. Trick question. Because I didn’t buy NVDA when it was less than $100 could never afford kids so I don’t have to worry about explaining this to my grandson.

      Not sure how I’ll be able to explain why I didn’t buy NVDA when it was less than $100 to my wife’s bf’s grandson though.

    11. PisceS_Here on

      me: hindsight is 20/20. which stocks do you think will go x100 in 30 years from now?

      then force him to put all his money into that stock. *evil grin*

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