I really hope this reaches the right people, because I'm at a point that I have no where else to turn. When I graduated high school I decided to study cyber security, a year into my degree things were great and I got hired as a cyber architect for one of the biggest organizations in my country, I thought I had life figured out, and then life showed me how wrong I was. I got hit with a bunch of health issues and had to leave my job and degree. Not long after I lost my grandfather, and a few months later my dad to brain cancer, which beat my health down even worse. Fast forward to today, I have no diploma, I haven't worked in three years, and I have no where else to turn. My country is impossible to get an education in without money, and due to my health I can't work for many hours.

    I've tried looking for traditional jobs, but because of my small hour availability and lack of experience, no one wants to take a chance on me. I'm running out of options and I'm starting to think doing my own thing is the only route I have left. I was hoping some of the wonderful people here may have suggestions for possible business ideas in which you could work a max of let's say 4 hours a day, due to my health I can't do more than that. If I could even make $20 a day at this point I'd be happy. I'd really appreciate some help

    I’m completely lost and scared for my future, any advice?
    byu/SirMooseKnightThe2nd inEntrepreneur

    Posted by SirMooseKnightThe2nd


    1. eattheinternet on

      if you’re serious, start buying and selling *ANYTHING YOU CAN GET YOUR MOTHER FUCKING HANDS ON*

      Go to thrift stores, yard sales, fb marketplace etc and buy shit that you can resell online. this is how I started when I was 18 and I started with literally $20 and over a decade I’ve done multiple 8 figures in sales and have built and sold multiple businesses.

      but you’re likely ALL TALK!!!!!!!! bc 99% of people are all talk. who knows, maybe you’re serious about this but I doubt it.

      If you want my help I’d be happy to guide you but you have to prove yourself. List something (anything) on ebay and send me a link within 48 hrs and I’ll help.

      I’ve become somewhat pessimistic over the years though when it comes to this topic bc from what I;ve found, most people are talkers and very very VERY few mofos are doers. but we’ll see

    2. ashleyalair on

      Check out Dave Ramsey on YouTube, particularly his “short clips” (or whatever they call them). He doles out a lot of tough but pragmatic love to people in a financial bind. 🖤

    3. You have access to the internet. Create some digital info guide, list it on Gumroad, then start creating some content to drive traffic to it.

    4. digitalcapitalist41 on

      Focus on small gradual wins. Establish you’re goals and what you want to do. Are you interested in getting into cybersecurity again? If so, I think that you’re experience in your previous organization or an online portfolio with your knowledge can be leveraged to at least find an entry level job.

      In terms of a degree I wouldn’t worry too much about it, especially if you’re into cybersecurity and tech stuff, try to build a portfolio to showcase your skills. You can get very far based on what you can do now.

      If you have no skills I would try to get an apprenticeship even if it’s a very low paying job, just to get your foot in the door. Try the cheapest way to get monetizable skills and go up from there.

    5. Looking at your post, OP, I think you have a lot of assets to offer. You could do a part-time cybersecurity consulting. As a side hustle you could produce content and build out your brand if your health permits.

      Organizing your workflows: look into subs of people with chronic pain/chronic ailments. They have lots of strategies and tips on how to stay functional even in reduced hours. For example, spoon theory might be of interest.

      Good luck and most of all, wish you good health OP.

    6. Idk why people are so vague on these posts. I know it’s not really important but still, what country are you from?

    7. ConfidenceAble4731 on

      Focus on what you can conrol and what you are good at, and put your health first

    8. mary-cory-57 on

      If you are serious about starting a business encourage you to watch this video with Daniel Priestley, it helped me have a clear and practical understanding of how entrepreneurship works at each stage after years of doubts. It helped me shift the paradigm, hope it will help you as well [https://youtu.be/jOgqIbeLXkE?si=ifXPIqg82Z7vLgdt](https://youtu.be/jOgqIbeLXkE?si=ifXPIqg82Z7vLgdt)

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