My story

    I started trading right when COVID hit. At first I was just buying a few shares of things that were popular at the time and slowly building an account from zero. Maybe $20 at a time. Eventually I got interested in Metamaterial science and discovered a company called Meta Material would be reverse merging with an oil and gas company called torchlight and shares of torchlight were .23ish cents at the time. I started buying them like mad in September 2020.

    My Dad who has always dabble in the market was impressed that I got into investing and informed me I had $16K in a VOYA account and my parents quickly helped me link that to an ETrade account since I had only been using Robinhood at the time (again, pretty inexperienced at this point.) Shortly, those .23¢ shares hit almost a dollar and that’s when I started tracking my investments on the app you see here.

    By June 2021, at the peak my account hit $460K. I was so excited. I really had no idea what I had stumbled upon, what I had done. Shares hit well over $10 at the peak and the merger was hours away from being complete.

    My Dad essentially begged me to sell but I said I couldn’t because the merger hadn’t completed. The merger completed on my birthday and I lost $100K that day. Followed by $100K the next day.

    I didn’t sell my shares through the first reverse split. I didn’t sell my shares through all the signs I needed to bail ASAP. I didn’t sell my shares until it eventually hit .16¢ and they had announced a 1:100 RS.

    I had the win of a life time brand fucking new to the market. I’ll probably never have anything close to touching the gain I had from September 2020-June 2021.

    I pulled everything out of the market last September and now I’m taking a crack at day trading options. I recently posted that I was down 65% (about $4000) on that and got some flack, specifically one guy from here that DM’d me and suggested I quit trading.

    Being brand new to options and being down $4000 is nothing to me. I’d rather learn a lesson in my first month of options trading than get cocky when I’ve had some major wins as I did a few years ago.

    Anyway, that’s my regard story. I always kind of passed over WSB but I’m starting to frequent the board more these days now that I’m trading options.

    Posted by TheLastLatchkeyKid


    1. AirborneMarburg on

      Fuck that guy who DM’d you. Any respectable WSB regard will make fun of you in the comments for karma. I’m gonna go jerk off to this loss porn, and tip my hat to you for providing it.

    2. GlitteringBit3726 on

      I like the final death throes at the end there where it gave you a little bit of hope before gasping and dying.

    3. Imagine reaching the peak of your life at this age, with everything that follows feeling dull and meaningless.

    4. mywilliswell95 on

      It’s regarded for sure but also you had been new to investing, so only like a mild regardation.

      But I look forward to your regard journey, cause you will either loose money in smart regarded ways or 1000x your account without even knowing how and why.

    5. throwaway_tendies on

      Dad prob thinking “damn of all the good genes I could have passed to him why did he get only the regarded ones?”

    6. Every emotion is beautiful. This is as close to sympathy as a man can feel; every surge of hope, every day of holding, reminding ourselves “just be patient” as our position goes -20% 6 days in a row…

    7. discoveringrebel on

      Most people think those kinds of opportunities are rare in the market—I did. But when you actually commit to trading, you see those kinds of opportunities are present every day. You’ll have another chance.

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