I’ve been out of the military since 2020 and just checked my TSP for the first time in a while. Do I keep it in G fund or move it out to other funds to make the most out of it?

    byu/Ok-Flamingo-1499 inMilitaryFinance

    Posted by Ok-Flamingo-1499


    1. kingofjabronis on

      G is safe, that’s about it. Pretty much ANY fund except G can make you money, with some being more aggressive and others less aggressive. Just know with these, you are subject to market downturns.

    2. You need to move it from the G Fund. As to what to move it into that depends on your level of risk and expected rate of return. Personally I would select the C Fund (tracks the 500 largest companies in the U.S.) and overall will provide you the most return (if history over the last 50 years repeats itself). Since you probably have a long time before you would be eligible to pull your account then you can set it to C Fund and forget it.

    3. RattleSnakeNate on

      G fund is the safest, but the worst return. I would only consider using this myself if I’m collection SS and I’m over 65 and didn’t need money.

      I’m currently at 75% C fund, 15% S fund and 10% L2065.

      The Lifecycle funds are meant for your retirement year. The further away they are, the more aggressive they are. The lower the year, the safer they are (for 20XX). Do some research on TSP.gov and look at annual returns and see what works best for you and your end goals.

    4. 🤦 This is why you don’t put anything in G unless you are approaching retirement, and even then, I would leave a decent amount in C for continued growth. Since Jan 1 2020 the S&P 500 (C fund) has gone up 65%. G fund has gone up probably 12%, which means you’ve lost money when you factor in inflation.

    5. Fourteen_Werewolves on

      I say Life Cycle fund. It’s actively managed as you approach retirement with no required input on your end

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