TSMC’s EUV machines are equipped with a remote self-destruct in case China invades


    Posted by Iky-Greenz


    1. Tractorhash on

      China just posted a video on how it could invade without destroying the real reason it wants to invade. Lol sweet summer child.

    2. DependentMinute7977 on

      China can invade all they want but they still won’t understand or know how to use any of the machines so it’s useless if you can’t run it

    3. No-Definition1474 on

      Taiwan has a huge arsenal of anti rocket/missile defenses on the island. They’ve been preparing for Chinese missile barrage for decades. If you think it will be easy for China to just remotely blow up anything in Taiwan, you’ve been watching too much CCP propaganda.

      The whole nation is dedicated to its defense. When I was in school there, we didn’t do tornado drills. We did missile attack drills. The basement of the school was a bunker with a month of food stored in it.

      I will never forget the pictures in the newspaper one day of the major political parties going on pleasure cruises out into the ocean to watch the Chinese rockets splash down in the water. You might recall it from years ago when Clinton sent a carrier to Taiwan so China would chill out and stop lobbing rockets at Taiwan. Well, none of them got anywhere near hitting anything. China claimed it was intentional, but no one I talked to in Taiwan believed them.

      To me, this article is just another hint for China to not even bother trying it…it won’t work out for anyone. If they invade, everyone looses.

    4. RemyVonLion on

      lol I just commented this idea 2 days ago, didn’t know it was legit but makes total sense. China just needs to realize they are just like the West, we all love business/trade, we just value individualism whereas they are more collectivist, but we all just want everyone to work together and flourish.

    5. MrGoofyDude on

      Hardwired to self destruct! Sorry had to quote a metallica song. Nice moves there Tsmc.

    6. Iamstillhere44 on

      That’s pretty damn awesome. It’s a pretty damn big slap to the face for China, who only recently (2017) had the technical ability to make their own ball point pens. 

      The point: It is well noted China steals all its technology. If they invaded Taiwan and thus happened, they would come out looking like the global royal a -holes and still be left empty handed. 

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