I have now heard it from two people and seeing Intels net worth this seems very feasible. Should I buy Intel?

    Rumors of Nvidia buying Intel
    byu/notyourregularninja inwallstreetbets

    Posted by notyourregularninja


    1. If they weren’t allowed to buy ARM, then they won’t be allowed to buy Intel.

    2. This is an interesting rumor. Intel’s foundry could be a good place for them to manufacture their chips, but TSMC is also building factories here that will soon be able to do that, too. What reasons, if any, have you heard about why they would do that?

    3. Aggressive_Blinking on


    4. Eran_Mintor on

      You’ve now heard it from three people. Nvidia is buying Intel and you should go all in. Source: I’m Nostradamus resurrect

    5. Remember when JPM and WF were forced to buy failed banks by the government in some sort of a bailout, the government should be encouraging Nvidia to buy the shitshow that is Intel before the “Engineers” drive farther into earth’s core!

    6. It may be possible if Intel is selling their business, but I doubt they will be allowed to buy Intel as a whole as it’s anti competitive.

    7. Yes this rumor is true. I just looked into OP’s asshole where he pulled it out from and it’s real!

    8. RoryGilmoresAnus on

      I doubt it. If they tried, the likely outcome would be getting tied up in regulatory approval and never getting it.

    9. MisInfo_Designer on

      makes zero sense. the only part of intc that nvda would want are the foundries and intc has not fully built them out. if nvda wants to be in the foundry business for its owns chips, it should buy out intc’s foundry business not the whole fucking business.

    10. I also heard Amazon was buying UPS and Fedex. And Walmart buying Target. SHOULD I BUY?

    11. Dmartinez8491 on

      Ahahhahahahaha you must be new to the dumpster behind wendys. Did you get a promotion from the dumpster behind Arby’s.

      Won’t happen.

    12. That’s dumb as shit. Nobody is buying Intel, the US government would block the sale.

    13. Maximum_Elderberry97 on

      What would they strategically get from buying intel?? I mean this doesn’t make any sense to me personally.

    14. That’s a false rumor. However, I work on wall street and in the lunch room I have heard someone saying that Palantir is buying Lockheed Martin

    15. No point in investing in dead x86 architecture. Arm is the future and Nvidia will be the only one capable of making arm happen.

    16. jumptouchfall on

      not that i know shit about fuck, but intel just finished a new fab plant in ireland very recently. dunno if that affects things

    17. MasterJeebus on

      I also have Intel bags but Jensen doesn’t want them ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)

    18. SinisterStroodle on

      Intel converting to a toilet bowl cleaner company soon. Source: Trust me bro

    19. Intel is a good buy right now regardless of regards regarded posts… They bought out ASMLs new High-NA rigs, soon they’ll be top dog again, buy now while it’s low and watch it fly over the next few years, easy 3-4 bagger in the next 5 years. This is investment advice.

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