Just want to brighten ya'll day with my loss porn

    Almost broke even in Jan. And then boom! Slowly down the toilet past 5 months

    Position: 100% all in Real Estate brokerage stocks


    Posted by Ihateshortseller


    1. Aggressive_Blinking on

      Jesus man, just shove it into SPY or QQQ and stfu for five years. How stupid can a man be?

    2. Dump all that into NVDA NVDL and ride the wave back up… there is still time

      also looking at QCOM a lot recently

    3. I always like to plug the loss amount into a retirement calculator to see how much I missed out on to feel extra bad

      Coulda got myself a bugatti

    4. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)

    5. How do you fuckers manage to lose money in this market, everything has been going up since october

    6. BathroomTile007 on

      Super high interest rates and your in real estate… dam….

    7. ThomasTanksDown on

      Don’t you love how it still has the audacity to say “Total Gain”

    8. itskidvishal on

      I kept losing for the first two years and recovered 13% of career loss in 30 days. Keep going.

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