Ozempic keeps wowing: trial data show benefits for kidney disease


    Posted by ascaleonetoevenidont


    1. Durumbuzafeju on

      In a few years this drug will be used like aspirin, to treat everything.

    2. Threatening-Silence on

      I take 1mg per week and I have to say it really keeps the appetite down. And any cravings for alcohol too.

    3. Fatties are so regarded they’d rather inject something into their body instead of working out and eating healthy 

    4. It’s almost like being fat and eating as much as most people do isn’t good for you?

    5. Fat girls will literally do ANYTHING to lose weight… except exercise and eat less.

    6. DoubleTapTheseNuts on

      Couldn’t people save money by eating less through self-control instead of injecting yourself with an expensive drug to kill your appetite?

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