I was in a minor auto accident. I was passing through an intersection in the left lane. A guy turning right with the red light turned into thenright lane but then entered my lane and hit me on my passenger door. I have a dashcam of the whole thing. Green light for me. Travelling in my lane. I am in the right other than maybe I was 3mph over the limit.

    So the guy tells me he doesn't want to deal with insurance. Says he manages a autobody shop. Has his business card. Calls work with me on the speaker to verify his story. Says he doesn't have his license or insurance on him. Friendly guy, nice talk, no argument. We were both cool about it. I had a moment of spicy language on my dash cam…but I am human.

    And…he is ghosting me. Surprised? Yeah, I am dumb.

    I admit. I screwed up. I have his license plate. Photos of the damage to both cars. Have his cell ph number and business card place of employment.

    I suspect based on his lack of response he is going to continue to ghost me.

    I am in the US. So if I call the police non emergency, make an accident report, come clean, tell them I was dumb for not taking his info or insisting the police come out and make an insurance claim now, what happens? I have the video. I have his auto license plate. And that's it.

    What is the likliest outcome with insurance? Will they deny the claim?

    Auto accident question
    byu/trnsprt inInsurance

    Posted by trnsprt

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