How do we know if a settlement amount is good or not?

    Someone was in a car accident and a passenger in the vehicle that was hit. That person was rushed to the Trauma unit as the blood pressure was dropping pretty bad at the scene and the hit was right on that passanger’s door.

    They faulted both vehicles involved at fault although the vehicle that hit her side ran the light.

    It’s been a few years and the attorneys are ready to settle before the statue of limitations steps in.

    They mentioned that they need to extend the lawsuit if they don’t settle now and if it goes to trial it might be more fees on the passengers end.

    The passenger lost her job, was put on disability and is still dealing with pain. Now she always have different issues coming up and it’s hard to say if it’s from something else or the accident.

    They want to settle for 30k.

    Is this a fair amount. For a situation like this?

    Settlement offer
    byu/AdmirableGift1296 inInsurance

    Posted by AdmirableGift1296

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