Son (M21) got into a fender bender. Other party put a claim through their insurance and I received a subrogation letter claiming $6K in damages. My car's damage is about $1,500. I have not submitted a claim on my insurance. I received a letter from the other guy's insurance company saying 50/50 fault and they'll pay me 50% of my damages. Should I submit the claim through my insurance company? Auto body guy said I should since the other guy already made the claim and my rates will go up regardless. This happened about 5 months ago but I haven't seen any activity on my insurance account yet regarding the other guy's claim. Not sure what to do.

    Should I file a claim?
    byu/Supremeboyzz inInsurance

    Posted by Supremeboyzz


    1. MimosaQueen1122 on

      Depending on the state, they should subrogate your insurance. Per your contract with your insurance it’ll state you need to contact your insurance when involved in an accident.

    2. LeadershipLevel6900 on

      It is your responsibility to put your insurance company on notice of accidents you are in.

      You got the subrogation letter because they want you to pay. Do you want to pay/do you have the money to do so?

      If the answer is no, tell your insurance company.

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