It never fails me, not for the past 20 years. If I’m spending time in a casino enjoying losing (sometimes making) money on craps, or standing in line to go party at a club, or drinking a beer and playing penny slots – and I overhear someone euphoric about an investment I’m in, it’s time to get up and go home and sell EVERYTHING.

    And it happened yesterday.

    I was enjoying a solid run on the dice, turning $200 into $1000 when I heard two casino staff talking: “yeah man… and you know they’re about to 10:1 split!” The other guy was elated. “And you just KNOW that thing is gonna shoot right back up to a thousand bucks.”


    It’s over bros. This is one signal that does not fail. In 2017 I heard door hosts at Vegas clubs swapping shitcoin tips right before the crash, and the same shit in 2021 as well. The stock market is toast.

    You have been warned.

    The most screaming top signal I know of just happened; imho it’s time to exit all markets.
    byu/katiecharm inwallstreetbets

    Posted by katiecharm


    1. This is going to be such a copy of 2008, that it feels like playing the DVD movie in the PS2 all over again 😂😂😂

    2. OkayThenBet on

      AI is in its infancy and the best company that produces AI is going up with the hype? Wow, revolutionary. Sell now!!!!!!

    3. The difference is that nvidia actually has value. Or is that a banworthy statement on this sub?

    4. For everyone here convinced it is collapsing…show us your NVDA puts please and we will see how committed you are, lol.

      I don’t disagree, but NVDA has split a number of times, and I could realistically see this run up quite a bit higher in the lead up and after it splits. It will come back down some though

    5. So you’re telling me that people who are in the “gambling business” are talking about stocks?

    6. PhiloRelish on

      If you get out now, NVDA’ll keep going up until you FOMO in at the top, and *that’s* when it crashes.

    7. DavidDPerlmutter on

      There was a famous story about Joseph Kennedy, the very very rich patriarch of the Kennedy clan and father of the US president. He got out of the stock market just before the 1929 crash because he was in an elevator and the attendant — yeah, back then they had manual operation of the elevator — started giving him investment advice. He said, if ordinary people think they can make a killing, it’s time to get out.

      Unfortunately, it might very well be an apocryphal story. It’s been variously retold as a shoeshine boy. But the point remains pretty clear. It’s not possible for everybody to get rich. But it’s possible for lots of people to lose money.

    8. Stock_Surfer on

      The market is gonna crash in December regardless of who wins the election.

    9. George_Costanza_Call on

      Unironically non-autists casually talking about investments is literally always the top.

    10. fart_huffer- on

      I bought my first nividia share for $119 in 2019. Back then it was about “crash”. That was like 2 splits ago

    11. BadKidGames on

      The dude at Papa John’s asked me about day trading a week ago. We’re fucked

    12. Ahhh yes the economy is growing, interest rates are stable, inflation is steady, people are putting money into 401k and IRAs but do tell of the impending crash.

      Buy puts. Show your positions. Or shut up.

    13. Counterpoint: I was in Vegas a month ago, decided to shoot craps (I play three point molly – darksided) and the boys were saying the market was going to crash in the next six months but were complaining that they didn’t know how to short it effectively because timing was impossible. Was your standard every minute WSB conversation IRL.

    14. Yes. I’m not saying to sell now, but at least sell when you’re up, instead of losing it all

    15. I’m disappointed that you didn’t even bother to say ‘trust me bro’.

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