1. LookAtMeImInAGang on

      It looks like half the food trucks out there sell the same thing that CAVA does

    2. tombradyskisses on

      Let’s see if this conference call can push CAVA much lower. 🤑

    3. So, Elon’s trying to ‘LIVE’ pump his stock now……with more ‘promises’

    4. Buy HOOD to see $30 by end of this year. That’s like 50% from here. Choose your winners

    5. Kirko_Cousins on

      Holy crap, the put/call on NVDA is low for weeks and months out. Realistic pre-split is $1,250? Post-split probably bumps to $150-160 then back to $100.

      Would my banbet take into account the split? I’ll do a post split $160.

    6. 4 years ago, I had the choice of investing $5,000 into two stocks:

      **INTEL** *or* **NVDA**

      I decided to invest into the more safer company, and now I have $4,110 in INTEL ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)

    7. Pharmacologist72 on

      Loaded up on AVGO. You all can start buying now for earnings in two weeks. Daddy needs to buy supremes, which are off broadway Bojangles version of tendies.

    8. Godtrader696969 on

      Imagine if Xi decided to attack Taiwan right now. Hundreds of billions in semiconductor longs would instantly get liquidated. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)

    9. Jumpy_Elevator_6603 on

      Remember ladies – Dick’s before open tmr ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)

    10. gorillanutpuncher_ on

      I’m only invested in 2 companies. NVDA and ASTS. I want that bright red Ferrari y’all.

    11. BlackAdder7 on

      Everyone acting shocked at CAVA dip, it was bound to happen the stock is overbought and overpriced.

    12. Strangerdanger8812 on

      At the bank…told the kids they might have lolipops so they will get down with my wife and leave me in the car by myself

    13. I have 450 $20p 7/19 gaystonk at avg of $4.10.. Am I screwed? Any more catalysts for this stonk? The neckbeards interpreted dilution as a catalyst

    14. The fuck. I just balanced my bear setup today with spx call options which is pure fentanyl. Now I’m stuck.

    15. If I was in charge of the US debt, I’d single handily bet all 38 trillion on SPY 0DTE and save the economy ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31226)

    16. MMs are calculating EPS and other unit economics for HOOD. When May retirement account and AUM numbers come in. Watch this moon to $25 by next earnings

    17. theconcernedliberal on

      Fuck I literally couldn’t buy cava put because Robin Hood is only giving me the option to sell despite I have no cava put

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