Despite my accomplishments as a 23-year-old, my father, who is also in business, has never shown support. Even though I've achieved significant success, he lacks interest and never engages with my achievements. Instead of offering encouragement, he often makes disparaging remarks, albeit in a seemingly joking manner. Despite reaching milestones like making $50k in a month, his response remains indifferent, while my mother is very supportive. She asks questions and knows a lot more about what I do than he does. I've stopped keeping him informed. Initially, I worked hard to prove myself to him, especially after dropping out of school at 18 and go live by myself, but now it seems he simply doesn't care about me. Why is he acting like this?

    I worked hard to prove myself to my father after dropping out, but now he just doesn’t care about me.
    byu/Extreme_Ebb4319 inEntrepreneur

    Posted by Extreme_Ebb4319


    1. SmoothReddit1 on

      He’ll probably come around to the idea at some point after a longer sustainable time of doing well, but it doesn’t matter. You have nothing to prove to anyone other than yourself.

    2. sky-builder on

      Bro he actually really still cares 😂😂😂 , trust me , he asks your mum about your progress and is very proud about it , he will come to realize it , we men are just tough too? My dad use to be like that before be died , turned out that he loved me the most out of all his kids , he is really paying attention , you don’t worry, just keep on updating your mum, reports get to him one way or the other , that’s how men do

    3. Sometimes it’s hard for fathers to share their emotions. Also, deep inside a father could be very proud, but fails to recognize that he doesn’t show that enough. It’ll come, trust me!

    4. Kisscurlgurl on

      Well done on the 50k month!

      Perhaps he is jealous or perhaps your success makes him feel redundant or old?

    5. You yourself mentioned that your father is in business.

      So, he likely knows that complacency is a bad thing. In his mind, if he were to shower you in affection you’d just get lazy since now you have what you desire. Social approval. A business, improperly managed by people coasting along, will fail. He knows how fragile it all is. You dropped out so that means you likely lack a fall-back plan.

      I’m **not** saying it’s the right thing for him to do, and fathers tend to be a bit more restrained than mothers in general. But he does care. At least that’s what it sounds like to me.

      As someone with many business owners in my family, they can be absolutely brutal to “newbies”. They’re not tearing apart your plans and being unsupportive to be mean. It’s so that you have the motivation to make your business watertight. Once you show long term stability, then they’ll open up.

    6. I would just ask him, If you really need to know. He may be bad at expressing his emotions or he may truly be an unsupportive father. Could be jealousy or all sorts of things. You won’t know until you ask directly. It doesn’t need to be confrontational, but be clear. He may open up and surprise you.

      I would highly recommend a book called Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents.

      Regardless of the outcome, you should be proud of yourself and enjoy your accomplishments without needing approval from a parent. Not an easy task, but something to work towards. Parental approval, while wonderful, isn’t an objective measurement of your worth.

      If you ever have kids make sure you know how to do things differently.

    7. Degenero_Sursum_9474 on

      Maybe he’s intimidated by your success or feels threatened by your independence

    8. Fun-Good9146 on


      I’m sure your father loves you but You don’t need your his approval, you also don’t need to meet people’s expectations (Even your parents). if you’re satisfied with your achievements then that’s more than enough. i have been struggling with the same thing my whole life, Until i read this book “The Courage to be disliked”, i highly recommend you read it, it will literally set you free. and best of luck with your business!

    9. mister_dizzy on

      The sooner you learn to give no fucks about what your family think the better. It’s easy for me to say, but from experience you could become a billionaire and it still won’t be good enough. Family should support you based on your qualities as a human being, not on your earnings potential or actual.

    10. Detach yourself from this toxic person before it drags you down.

      Chances are you’ll never be good enough for him.

      I’m sorry man.

    11. Insomnia_state on

      Here is one of the most probable reason.

      You are just 23 you haven’t really made it, as you’ve mentioned your dad is also a business man so he has seen the dark sides of running businesses. There are some people who make tons of money from their business at one point then overnight there business shuts down. And some of these people end up being completely broke after some time.

      So he doesn’t want to shower you with praise like you are already all set for life you still have a long way to go.

      But yeah deep down I bet he is definitely proud of you.

    12. Read the book surrounded by idiots. I assume your dad a red or a blue. It will make sense after the book 

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