Insurance totaled my car and offered me to take it back for a lesser amount for the payout which I agreed to. The car was sitting at a body shop for 2 weeks for
    The claim to finish. Now the shop is charging me 3.5k in storage fees. I called my insurance and they said they do not reimburse storage fees. Is this right?

    Car was totaled so I accepted a lesser payout for the car back, now body shop is charging me 3.5k for a storage fee that insurance is not paying
    byu/ecc0w inInsurance

    Posted by ecc0w


    1. IntelligentBox152 on

      I would call them back and argue they should cover a reasonable amount. If it took them 7 days to present the settlement and you left it another 7. You’d probably be on the tool for 7. But if they took 13 days and you kept the car and moved it in day 14 no way you should be responsible for all of that

    2. Pappilon5090 on

      I disagree with the other reply you got. This is very common and seen on here quite a bit You have a legal duty to mitigate damages. That means it’s your responsibility to get it out of a place that’s charging storage fees and not just leave it there while fees just keep piling up while the claim is processed. Insurance will only pay reasonable storage fees. You’ll be on the hook for anything over a few days. 

    3. LeadershipLevel6900 on

      Yep. Pretty standard. Whomever takes possession of the vehicle pays the fees incurred.

      If you keep the vehicle, it’s on you.

      If insurance gets the vehicle, it’s on them. They end up recouping some costs on the back end with salvage.

      Insurance should cover towing from the scene to the shop and maybe some storage days charged – usually from the date you told them where the vehicle was and that you were using your coverage to when the vehicle was determined to be totaled and they gave you a settlement figure.

    4. 1000thusername on

      When did they first make you a settlement offer – meaning the turning point where you started thinking it through and at some point (it sounds like), countered with wanting to keep the car, etc.

      When did that all begin.

    5. Auto_Claims_Adjuster on

      Is this your carrier or the other party’s carrier? Also, is this an insurance recommended shop or the shop of your choosing?

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