So recently we got first reviews of the Google AI search, which were already widely memed on Twitter.

    The search told people to stock cheese to the pizza with the "non-toxic glue" and that geologists recommend humans eat one rock per day and be happy.

    Personally I think that Google is losing this AI race, as it was for the social media boom few years ago with Google+. And as we already got Sora and almost-Scarlett-Johansson-powered OpenAi voice assistant, Google is left behind.

    Also, as Google faced many lawsuits due to its privacy and security issues, I hope that the new AI wouldn't be just another way to collect data. By the way, they eventually decided to pay $350M to investors to resolve the one of the security suits. And as I got it, it's around $6 / per share, so you check it here if you had Google few years ago.

    Anyway, anybody here tested AI search already? And I'm not shorting Google obviously, just wondering about your bets on the future of the search, since it's their basic product

    “Just Eat Rocks” – What’s Wrong With Google AI?
    byu/pluckyquantity20 inwallstreetbets

    Posted by pluckyquantity20


    1. Syab_of_Caltrops on

      The best part about these shitty LLM’s is that these mega caps think the solution is “throw more power at it,” AKA, buy NVDA

    2. thesatisfiedplethora on

      OpenAi will be or already is open without login, who would need google with its paid search at this point?

    3. I mean, it’s not technically wrong. There are in fact a few nutritional deficiencies you could hypothetically correct by eating rocks. Your body can absorb iron in a natural state. In fact you get a little bit every single time you use cast iron cookware. So eating rocks high in iron could in fact help. But, of course, by eating rocks, you risk exposure to other heavy metals that are bad for you like lead, arsenic and cadmium. Rocks are rarely that pure. There are also a few other minerals you could absorb from rocks in theory.

    4. Dull_Broccoli1637 on

      I have Gemini on my phone. None of that junk has happened and it’s actually pretty cool to use.

    5. Ok_Spite_217 on

      AI isn’t Intelligent, that’s the point we’ve been trying to tell you

    6. ThisKarmaLimitSucks on

      It’s not a Google thing, it’s just what LLMs are. They’re gibberish engines. All they know is statistics about word frequency… if this word is used, what are the most likely words to follow after it. There’s no actual reasoning going on.

    7. Search is just such a bad use case for current AI. AI is a liar, that’s great for silly pictures, songs, and creative writing, but terrible when you need actual facts.

    8. Thebloody915 on

      Obviously google is losing the ai race. Their dog shit ceo can’t hold a candle to Nadella….

    9. After all the Terminator and Matrix movies, I had some misgivings about AI. However, between posta like this one with AI giving out just plain bad responses and the behaviour of my Roomba (supposed to be AI governed), I think the power of AI is way over-blown. I mean, my Roomba gets stuck on carpet edges, tries to climb walls and thinks the cat toy is an errant french fry.

    10. Apparently they’re teaching the model with WSB comments ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    11. I own Reddit stocks in order to support Google to build the first ever sarcastic LLM

    12. look up “enshittification”

      this actually feeds into my new investment strategy – either buy and ride a stock for a year after an indian ceo comes in, or just short the fucking thing. my theory is they’re basically in the endgame, so they’ll come in, bring all their friends to pump the value, and thne i get out before the shit literally hits the fan

    13. Asleep_Onion on

      I miss when Google used to be on the bleeding edge of new tech, not just taking already existing products and making worse versions of them.

    14. BuffaloSabresFan on

      It’s wild watching Google, who spent 20+ years to become ubiquitous, and the go to place to ask questions pissing away all their brand loyalty by forcing a shitty LLM on everyone just its the trendy thing to do. At least they still have normal search results for people to sort through. Meta made it impossible to do a normal search with their stupid LLM. It’s very difficult to find posts now. Everyone I know hates it.

    15. trickyvinny on

      My wife likes Chat GPT but my wife’s boyfriend likes the new CoPilot.

      Long msft?

    16. it sucks that’s the AI they’re releasing with huge problems with basic questions… is the sky blue? no, its made of cheese and its a green, says Dr Dre

    17. A friend posted a screenshot of Google AI telling him to use chlorine bleach and vinegar and run the dryer to clean it.

      It seems to have confused his dryer for an enemy trench in WWI.

    18. Bulky_Sheepherder_14 on

      Wasn’t there a search where it told you the best places to jump from if you were depressed? How could a trillion dollar company fuck up this badly?? Even brave has a better Ai search feature

    19. That literally just parses the internet and pulls info from websites. It doesn’t create anything

    20. I remember some public figure saying you should drink bleach to cure covid. Putting non-toxic glue on pizza to hold the cheese doesn’t seem so bizarre in comparison.

    21. Bossman1086 on

      This isn’t even their first major public fail. Remember the issues Gemini had with generating images of people? They disabled that functionality because it was so bad. DALLE and services like Midjourney never had those issues.

      Google is way behind. MS and OpenAI don’t have issues nearly this glaring or bad. The issue is Google didn’t see the LLM boom coming as soon as it did and got caught flatfooted when ChatGPT launched so they rushed Gemini to market to compete when it was clearly underbaked and trained on bad data. Now that it’s live, it’s harder to make fixes that could have been done as part of a normal production cycle before launch.

    22. Rich-Candidate-3648 on

      I work for one of the big companies and used the AI to produce a sales deck. It hallucinated the entire process about software that we own including making up FedRAMP high certification. None of them really work and none can be trusted. This is eventually going to work but the disaster on the way will be like nothing ever seen before. Google’s Gemini is way worse than the others and all of those suck.

    23. As I see it, as Google is about to be left in the dust hence the huge first dividend the other day. Don’t mind me being as asinine as an asses’ ass.

    24. thisRandomRedditUser on

      When I try google Gemini myself it tells me not to eat rocks and that the cocarache thing is a myth. I guess lot people create fake screenshots for attention and other people are to lazy to try for proof.

      I use Gemini now since a while and prefere it over ChatGPT. Maybe the real users are just to silent because I usually dont care about hype/fanboy discussions…

      Only i am afraid that Pikachu as usual is a threat for google to having success (with Gemini).

    25. If it thinks that’s where “cock” roaches comes from, I can’t wait to see the explanation for…moth balls…

    26. gillstone_cowboy on

      We may have already reached the peak of what can be done with large language model reliant AI. Billions of dollars in and there isn’t enough available data to train the next generation of AI and what we have is prone to hallucinations. Google may have flushed billions down the toilet because they hoped hype would beat math.

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