At 8:25 tonight NVDA was valued at 2.92 trillion, while Apple sits at 2.9 trillion.


    Posted by Synfinium


    1. Elon said it best: “When people are panicking, that’s when I go in and buy.”

    2. Captobvious75 on

      I have no reason to doubt it will surpass MS. AI is literally THE THING right now.

    3. BrewskiXIII on


    4. Various_Cabinet_5071 on

      Is it connected to the price on Hong Kong or other stock exchanges opened? Can already see this in bold letters on the WSJ tomorrow

    5. What’s funny is the regards who think it’s going to split in a 10 for 1 and then go back up to $1000+/share again, as if the valuation of a single company is actually going to exceed 5x the entire annual US federal budget lol.

      People are losing touch with reality riding this hype train.

    6. MindYoBusin3ss on

      No way this keeps going right? Surely it’s time for big correction. Shit makes no sense anymore. The market is not rational ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)

    7. Is there a connection between AI play and crypto currencies or am I tripping?

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