So, I recently started getting auto insurance from a new agency in February. In April, I noticed my app said "no bills due" which made no sense, so I called the agency and asked why the app is saying I owe nothing this month and how I pay my bill. The woman on the phone told me there was a double charge in March and so I wouldn't owe anything in April. I asked her if she was 100% sure cause I didn't want this to bite me in the ass later. She said, "everything is set on my end" so, I didn't make a payment. Now, they're trying to charge me double because of a mispayment. I called the agency again, and apparently the girl I talked to doesn't work there anymore and wrote down no notes, so they can't prove that conversation happened. The owner told me he could see a mistake on my account and he would figure it out and get back to me. Well, he hasn't reached out at all, and my app STILL says I owe nothing. I have no idea what to do, and I can't afford to make an $800 payment. Does anyone know what I can do?? I'm in oregon.

    byu/A_Jade12 inInsurance

    Posted by A_Jade12


    1. PleaseHelpIamFkd on

      Do you have bank statements showing you paid double before? If you did not pay double where did the money go that you now do not have?
      Your provider sounds sketch af. If they dont have recorded lines, thats a huge no no for me.

    2. No-Twist2934 on

      Keep calling and trying to get higher ups on the phone. You can accomplish a lot over the phone. Find the exact date and time of phone call if possible. You can also report it to the Better Business Bureau.

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