Welp, it could have gone worse. I learned my lesson and just gotta not invest in dumb MARA options. I played the game and got beyond played. Do I hate MARA? Absolutely. It does the exact opposite of what you want it to do. I’m gonna go eat at the Wendy’s dumpster now.


    Posted by Puzzled_Remove2354


    1. When the website asks you if you are an expert investor or what ever, don’t lie.

    2. When you realize professional traders blow more than this in a day, you realize it’s ok. Just move smarter next time & it sounds like you learned your lesson

    3. “Always look on the bright side of life.” – Eric Idle, Monty Python’s The Meaning of Life.

    4. 8Francesca8 on

      Oh sweet child. Eating is not the only thing you’ll do at the Wendy’s dumpster

    5. I’m nearing there, too. If I lose my remaining 1.6k, I’m done with this. It ain’t much to some here, but it’s about 40% of my net income for the year that I’ve lost. Clearly I wasn’t made for this either.

    6. i love how they all have that uptick right before the big crash..

      wheres that video of Chappell yelling “Gotcha Bitch!”

    7. Historical_Coffee_14 on

      You paid tuition.  Sell some plasma and get back in there Champ!

    8. Bruh take that $90 and at 1 minute before market close buy 2 strike out 1dtes SPY. Tomorrow is green.

      Use that to buy closest to atm CRM calls.

      Put your 3 bagger into atm Dell. At market close load up John Cena entrance music and on a separate device the slot machine winning music. Synchronise the two and hit play just as Dell ER drops.

      Then buy Nvidia and forget about it.

    9. I can see slow, steady growth, and then a precipitous decline where you discovered options.

    10. HumanChocolate3310 on

      Oh I know this game! You just have to do the opposite of what you did to get to $90!

    11. VoltaicSketchyTeapot on

      First rule of investing is to diversify your investments. Putting all your money into one stock is no different than roulette.

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