My car was slowly braking and rolling to a stop at a red light and might have bumped the car in front of me. I did not even realized until the driver got out of the car. It was such a light tap I literally thought my car was just coming to a full stop. For context, my car is a quite old and I might have not pressed on the brake fully + overestimated the distance to the car in front of me.

    We both took pictures of the cars, got a police report, etc. The other driver kept claiming she had an injury the whole time but the police did not even buy it. The police officer pretty much agreed this was a very minor incident that just needs to be dealt with our insurances. He wrote up a police, I got a Following Too Closely ticket (I’m in Georgia) and we went our separate ways.

    I did not open a claim or notify my insurance thinking this was a nothing-incident. I just got a voicemail from the other person’s insurance, should I return the call or notify my insurance company?

    My hunch is that the other person is trying to make some quick bucks.

    Thank you for any advice!

    Rear ended someone while braking, there were no damages or injuries, their insurance left me a voicemail, what should I do?
    byu/elninovovo inInsurance

    Posted by elninovovo

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