Why BLOCKING This Strait Will Cause DISASTER

    in 2021 we all witnessed what chaos followed when a massive ship ever given got stuck in the sewers Canal blocking billions of dollars worth of cargo each day but actually there’s another Waterway that’s way more important than the sez Canal the straight of hormo the straight of hormo is a narrow passage just a bit over 30 Mi wide which is even smaller than luxemborg but its importance is more than you can imagine if any country somehow manages is to block this straight no one can stop World War I from coming now why is this tiny Waterway so important this little straight is the only route for ships traveling between the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman around the Persian Gulf there are eight countries and four of them rely entirely on the straight of Horus to reach the rest of the world’s oceans these countries are major players in the oil game roughly 2/3 of the world’s proven regular oil reserves totaling around 674 billion barrels are contained within the Persian Gulf but how is World War III connected to it well if you control those 30 Mi of the straight of hormo you basically control the majority of the oil supply so whoever controls this tiny stretch of water has immense power power that could shape the fate of the entire world ships are the main way to move stuff between continents because they’re cheaper than air airplanes especially for big loads they handle about 80% of all the stuff we trade around the world there are around 11 18,9 128 Merchant ships out there with a total gross tonnage of 1.47 billion these ships travel along specific paths called trade routes that link continents together but it’s not always easy sailing because there are natural obstacles like narrow passages and Rocky areas that can block the way when these routes get blocked it can mess up the world economy pretty badly now coming back to the straight of hormos that connects two important bodies of water the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman these two Gulfs are like doorways to the bigger ocean for countries like Iran Iraq Kuwait Saudi Arabia Bahrain Qatar the United Arab Emirates and Oman these countries are extremely important for oil export which is a big deal for the whole world oil gives us a lot of the energy we need like for cars and factories but because oil is found in only certain places and it’s not something we can make more of it’s super important to keep the roots to get it safe and open that’s why places like the straight of hormo are really crucial the biggest of these oil fields is gawa in Saudi Arabia which gives almost 6% of all the oil we use also so in this area there’s about 40% of all the natural gas we know about Qatar is the top producer of liquefied natural gas and Iran has the most natural gas together the Persian Gulf area has more oil and natural gas than anywhere else on Earth about 1/3 of all the oil we use and 1/5 of the natural gas comes from here and the straight of Horus is the only route for them to serve the whole world there are some challenges though the straight has eight big islands and ships have to be careful not to hit them Iran controls most of these islands and there’s been a dispute over some islands between Iran and the United Arab Emirates since the 1970s some areas in the straight are too shallow for big ships to go through and there’s often poor visibility because of islands dust storms fog and Haze especially in the summer to help ships get through safely the UN has set up a plan where ships stick to two lanes one for coming in and one for going out these lanes are 2 m wide each with a 2 m wide buffer zone between them but it’s still tough for the biggest ships to navigate through because they have to go through Waters that belong to Iran the United Arab Emirates and Oman and there could be obstacles in the way the majority of the oil that comes out of the gulf heads towards East Asia about 76% of it goes to just five countries China which brings brings in the most oil in the world and is the second biggest economy relies a lot on the oil that travels through the straight of hormos it gets around 45% of its oil from eight countries near the Persian Gulf Japan the fourth largest economy depends even more on this oil Japan doesn’t have many natural resources so it relies heavily on oil and liquefied natural gas to power over 80% of its energy needs almost all of this is orted and nearly 80% of it comes from the Persian Gulf through the straight of hormos that means almost half of Japan’s energy which fuels its economy travels through this narrow waterway South Korea the 14th largest economy globally faces similar challenges it gets nearly 63% of its oil from the Persian Gulf States since oil is used for over 40% of South Korea’s energy about a third of its energy has to be shipped through the 30 m wide straight of Horus if something were to block or close the straight for a long time it would bring the economies of the second third and 10th largest countries to a sudden stop it would also cut off the main source of income for the eight countries around the Persian Gulf causing big problems that could hurt the entire world economy plus if the straight of Hormuz a narrow passage for ships gets shut down it’s hard to find other ways to to move oil and natural gas countries like Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates have pipelines to send some oil elsewhere but they can only handle a very small part of what usually goes through the straight making more pipelines or infrastructure to bypass the straight will be too costly the United States has bases in many countries around the gulf like Qatar UAE Saudi Arabia Bahrain Kuwait and Iraq they even have an Air Force base in Qatar Al udade airbase and a big Navy presence the fifth Fleet in Bahrain this Fleet includes two carriers 20 ships 103 strike aircraft and approximately 20,000 Sailors and Marines the US has all this to make sure oil keeps flowing smoothly and to push back against Iran which it hasn’t been friendly with since 1980 the relationship between the two sides of the straight Iran and the US is still tense that’s why Iran was threatening to close the straight of hmus sometimes but they can’t really do it easily because the United States has a prominent Navy presence there if they do anything too aggressive it’s likely the US and its friends especially Saudi Arabia would hit back hard for example in 2019 things got intense between the US us and Iran the US sent a bunch more troops to hang out in the Persian Gulf and slapped IR with some fresh new sanctions then everything got even crazier in early 2020 when the US took out a big shot Iranian General with a drone as Revenge Iran started attacking US military bases in Iraq leading to a full-on war which would have been a disaster but eventually things calmed down a bit after that but tensions are still pretty high there if that was not enough tensions between Iran and Israel have also been getting worse lately it all started when Iran attacked Israel with missiles and drones depending on a suspected Israeli strike on an Iranian Consulate in Syria this was also seen as a response to Israel attacking an Iranian building in Damascus and killing some important military people people are worried this could lead to a bigger fight in the area they’re talking about about things like terrorism attacking us friends and interests blocking the straight of hus cyber attacks and going after US military stuff in the area even though Iran has talked about blocking it because of us sanctions on their oil the law says everyone can use it also Iran just set up another place to send oil from so they don’t have to rely as much on the straight of Horus so what do you think would Iran dare to take such a misstep can we afford a World War now just for this share your thoughts below and remember the fate of Nations lies not just in the hands of leaders but in the choices we make collectively subscribe for more insights on 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    Why BLOCKING This Strait Will Cause DISASTER
    In 2021,we all witnessed what chaos followed when a massive ship, Ever Given, got stuck in the Suez Canal, blocking billions of dollars worth of cargo each day. But actually, there’s another waterway that’s way more important than the Suez Canal: the Strait of Hormuz.

    Strait of Hormuz is a narrow passage, just a bit over 30 miles wide— which is even smaller than Luxembourg! But its importance is more than you can imagine. If any country somehow manages to block this strait, no one can stop WWIII from coming.

    Now, why is this tiny waterway so vital?
    This little strait is the only route for ships traveling between the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman. Around the Persian Gulf, there are eight countries and four of them rely entirely on the Strait of Hormuz to reach the rest of the world’s oceans. These countries are major players in the oil game.
    Roughly two-thirds of the world’s proven, regular oil reserves, totaling around 674 billion barrels are contained within the Persian Gulf. But how is World War III connected to it? Let’s find out the answers to these questions in this video.

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    1. The animosity between Shia and Sunni almost 1450 years and in likely to continue till eternity… therefore, the Strait of Hormuz will remain open is a guarantee. US should disrupt all attempts of Iran and Saudi Arabia friendship and thaw in enmity, ,that was brokered by China recently

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