Chinese cured diabetes…
    byu/Mother-Platform-1778 inwallstreetbets

    Posted by Mother-Platform-1778


    1. Wow, great news for those who can afford it. I wonder what the price tag will be.

    2. in many cases type 2 can already be ‘eliminated’ (which the state as ‘non-insulin-reliant’) with the right diet. If they cure type 1 with stem cells, that’s another story

    3. Ontanoi_Vesal on

      a) There were already doctors in e.g. Canada working on this therapy:[](

      b) Bringing a cure for patients, rather than the “milking cow” of “Diabetes management” will induce other companies to follow suite and disrupting what was a shameful exploitation of profit for profit.

      c) It will create a race for quantity, so whoever implements better, more distributed, safer and cheaper permanent treatments will have a “moat”…

    4. Iam_nothing0 on

      Now US pharmaceutical going to find that formula. Do a slight modification and patent them as better than Chinese and put a tariff on Chinese and take in billions by selling this new invention.

    5. When my pancreas works again, I’ll say they’ve cured diabetes. This doesn’t seem like shit. 

    6. Good, but how expensive will be?

      We need Wendy’s version of treatment ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260) Horny losers can stfu! ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31226)

    7. reddit_tiger800 on

      Glad some companies are finding cures for diseases, rather than focus on treatments.

    8. it-is-my-life on

      Waiting for the day when China cures ageing and Xi becomes immortal ![img](emote|t5_2th52|29637)

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