Massive news for ASTS with Verizon joining AT&T in partnership

    Posted by Imaginary_Ad9141


    1. So probably no dillution this year ( earning call ) + sign with two major Telcom players. Can’t be any better news, my eyes is on $RKLB as they are a potential contract to launch the birds for ASTS with their upcoming Neutron rocket next year. POS 17k rklb @ 4.0 / 1k asts @ 2.5

    2. Maybe they’ll finally be able to raise money without it being a terrible deal now.

      No dilution this year based on the earnings call but my biggest issue with the stock lately was that any deal for cash would almost assuredly have been bad with how the stock has been performing until recently

    3. Swords_Not_Words_ on

      Huge news. Verizon was like the one big phone company who wasnt on board initially.

    4. Intelligent_Ear_9726 on

      Got 35 jan2025 7.5C and few weeks ago when someone posted a DD. Up $4k today

    5. Dr_Xenophobia on

      So wait. I own stock in both companies. Is that good?Smoothest brain in the bunch here.

    6. F, congrats to you guys.

      I paper-handed this beautiful play twice in the last 2 weeks.

      1K shares bought on 5/17, sold on 5/20

      5k share bought on 5/21, sold yesterday mid-day for $5.1 (FFFFFFFF), a potential gain of +$13K

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