My other account got suspended because I'm an idiot, but I've seen a ton of activity on my +1m post asking if I'm still holding. I wanted to come back on here to say that YES, I am still holding. I don't plan on selling this stock, I will spend/enjoy future dividends one day and pass the shares on to my kids.

    The Verizon news today is absolutely HUGE!!! Congrats to #SPACEMOB.


    Posted by JustACentrist


    1. Dbow2thedome on

      Show me you had insider info without telling me you had insider info:

      “$800k YOLO on ASTS”

    2. ManyCommunications on

      You absolute sick fuck. Enjoy a good life with a good family and kids

    3. outoftownMD on

      I played within my means but increased positions based on your conviction.Β 
      Thank you!Β 
      Cashed out all I put in, paid myself and am only playing profits now.Β 

      I encourage you to take out 2.2M+, confident in it? Let 500,000 be your proof of work and conviction, while you reap the benefits today

    4. wsb_mods_R_gay on

      Bro who the fuck throws $800k at a $2.50 stock?!

      But congrats on the win on holding through it.

    5. styxnstoner5787 on

      I read your post like 12d ago and decided to enter some calls…and then I forgot the next day. I hate myself

    6. I read your post and bought calls that same day. Up ~ $1.3k and I’m anticipating even higher gains going forward. Thank you.

    7. CaptainColdSteele on

      I’m only up like 1k today :(. I’ll save it for the next rocket

    8. Rough_Inspection_444 on

      How the fuck do you people know about these in order to make huge YOLOs? Insider trading?

    9. If you guys could have seen his previous post (+1 M on ASTS by u/KthankS14), then you understand.

      He’s been on this stock for awhile, and he’s not scrapping pennies like me / or few of us so up/down a few dollars doesn’t sway his will.

      If he didn’t sell when it popped a week ago after being in the red for so long, I bet he will hold on until it hit his target of $100.

      Me, on the other hand, got the gift, then paper hand away.

    10. beardedbast3rd on

      Fuck I was waiting to Friday to get in on this. Was hoping it would stay around 4-5 until then.

      Still going to buy, I have a feeling we see it skyrocket eventually.

    11. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)

    12. BanEvadedPubFreakout on

      I’m so mad I’ve been watching it go up all day, thinking I missed out on the price pump, waiting for a time to make a put call.

      …all day at work I stared at this stock go up and I lost 20 bucks cause I said fuck it at 9.33 and it found out I went in and dropped to 8.9 quick and I emotionally sold thinking it was dump time.

      I’m so mad lol

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