This is normal, right?

    Posted by Amins66


    1. This isn’t a normal situation, AI has the potential to replace every job…It’s a MASSIVE untapped market. This is the very beginning, anyone bearish against the AI takeover is destined to be poor forever

    2. Tasty-Window on

      yes – this happens all the time – look at the tulip hype hundreds of years ago.

    3. Sharp-Direction-6894 on

      What do you mean, is that normal? Are you implying that other companies do not exponentially accelerate to 5000 orders of magnitude in a year or two span?

    4. essentialclt on

      Happens but never sustainable. no companies that grew this quickly maintained the price point

    5. believabletruths on

      Haven’t seen chart like this with so much hype because of the dotcom bubble. It’s quite incredible to see.

    6. WhiteWhenWrong on

      I bet ya money half way through June it’ll be back to the 100s per share

    7. MangoTwistedMetal on

      Normal if you have a monopoly on semiconductors and are subsidized by the US government.

    8. RedTruck1989 on

      This will end like all parabolic movers do….

      It’s just a question of when.

    9. Tacocats_wrath on

      You should post this beside a chart with the revenue ramp over the last five years, curious how they compare?

    10. gimmedatcrypto on

      Yeah dude totally organic growth just look at all the deals they have with everyone after the split it will hit 1000 again 🤡

    11. Just call me and I will purchase a stock. This thing will collapse like a waffle house.

    12. FYI any chart that illustrates exponential growth will look like this over a long enough time span. Look at QQQ, or VIX for the inverse.

    13. harlemknight1983 on

      I mean they’ve undergone like 5 splits….so it could have been even higher lol

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