A bear tried climbing in my above ground 16×32 pool memorial Day weekend . The wall collapsed and all the water rushed out of the pool broke filter and pump metal walls ripped . The pool is F'ed . Will this be covered under home owners insurance ? Thanks

    Pool collapsed
    byu/Various-Wrangler-900 inInsurance

    Posted by Various-Wrangler-900


    1. Pale-Accountant6923 on

      Not sure where you are but here in Canada (potentially you are given having a bear climb inside is exactly the kind of thing that happens here in the Rockies), the pool coverage differs slightly from province to province. I assume it’s the same in the US. 

      Its also influenced by individual endorsements and can be somewhat convoluted. 

      Without your policy, it would be difficult to advise. I recommend you contact your insurer and ask them about it. Worst case they tell you there’s no coverage. 

    2. becky_Luigi on

      Really ought to have included your location as per the sub’s rules. Kind of wasting everyone’s time when you don’t because there are variances in coverages from location to location. Wouldn’t hurt to include the coverage form you’re insured on either.

      In my personal experience adjusting in the US (variety of states but not all) animal damage is a named exclusion under the base HO3. May not be the case in all states or with all carriers. Nor on different coverage forms. And there may be endorsements to add coverage.

      TLDR – you didn’t include enough info for anyone to answer your question.

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