Cisco’s shares skyrocketed by 761.8% from 1998 to its peak in March 2000, far exceeding Nvidia’s 215.1% gain from 2022 to its peak in March 2024.

    Posted by Earthkilled


    1. kabochaspicecoffee on

      From 2022 😂 if you’re comparing Cisco to 1998, we should compare Nvidia to 2019, not 2022. We are still in the Covid bubble and late 2022 was just a small bump on the road.

    2. All I see is that there’s 500%+ more to run – thanks for the financial advice

    3. bawtatron2000 on

      eh, douchebag analysist need to make a living too i spose. but hey, who doesn’t like comparing watermelons to airplanes I guess?

    4. Such-Ice1325 on

      How could someone compare fucking Cisco with nvidia ffs. Stop with this nonsense. And delete your account.

    5. All of these scare tactic articles against Nvidia makes me even more bullish. $100 avg for me lol

    6. littlered1984 on

      Cisco was caught up in internet bubble. Also, PE ratios are completely different. Go read ciscos annual report in 1999. It reads like “wow, our stock is doing great!” They couldn’t believe it themselves.

    7. StonksGoUpApes on

      Cisco saturated the whole market. There’s only so many hundred thousand dollar routers that need bought.

      There’s infinite GPUs necessary

    8. That “investor” is a fucking Seeking Alpha blogger. LMAO! Get out of here with garbage article.

    9. Chart-trader on

      Bullshit! This time is different! NVIDIA to $2000 by July and $10000 by 2025…

    10. Oh man, this is the first person to ever suggest it could crash like CISCO. Welp, guess we all oughta pack it up now boys

    11. SleeplessShinigami on

      Stock is down one day and people think it’s doom and gloom for NVDA 😂

      January 1st this year it was at $492, it’s up almost 122% YTD

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