I've bough NVDA Calls with breakeven at around 1139. This week my portfolio was up around 66,000. Today NVDA went down and so did portfolio. The options expire tomorrow on May 31st.

    What are your thoughts? How can I make a comeback?

    Should I hold my options or sell?


    Can NVDA go back up? Lost $44,000 🫠🔫
    byu/TamzidulR inwallstreetbets

    Posted by TamzidulR


    1. TermCompetitive5318 on

      It’ll go back up buddy. Even if it doesn’t it’s just money

    2. xpallydoses on

      Well, with them being 0 DTE at open tomorrow, they will lose a ton of value overnight.

      Based on what you said break even was, I’m guessing you have 1135C? Which should open around $5 per contract.

    3. leli_manning on

      >Should I hold my options or sell?

      Sell now then buy back in at all time highs again.

    4. I lost about the same. Hurts, No stops, what an idiot I am. Will it go back up? No clue.

    5. AH way down even more. Real bad. We’re f**ked buddy. Thank God for Xanax. Your call will expire worthless it sure looks like.

    6. OrangeAnaranjada on

      Now, you are just at the mercy of the market….you can do nothing but hope for a friday run up into the open. Next time (if there is a next time with options), ALWAYS have a stop before entering a trade…Also, no single trade should have the power to break you. How the heck you see yourself down 20,30, 40 all the way to 70% down and still holding when the darn thing expires the next day. Sorry to say but this is an expensive learning lesson for you.

    7. Isn’t tomorrow the fed inflation report? If so there’s a chance if he lowers rates. Sorry to hear about your losses bro. Now I know I am prob not made for options.

    8. hellojabroni777 on

      buddy, that 13.9K gonna turn into 3.9K tomorrow morning. you’re toast if it opens red

    9. you got greedy and this is what happens, been there done that. Remember if its good enough to screenshot its good enough to sell.

    10. BrewskiXIII on


    11. freshcheesepie on

      Lmao my nvds is down 70% and yet you are the one losing money? Just lol

    12. Chance_Connection_28 on

      I do find it funny when people bet on the stock going up and it does and you still manage to lose money.

    13. I wouldn’t worry the market overreacted to the news of AI chips being restricted in Middle East: NVIDIA revenue is not that affected by it

    14. Open-Yak-3708 on

      Fucking 40 grand blown to smithereens. You probably have like 45-50 calls don’t ya. Reserve your spot ahead of time at Wendy’s dumpster

    15. I’m in a similar boat, but with much higher breakeven points but a 6/21 expiration. I expect it to go back up before/after the split, but as to tomorrow if I knew such things I’d have bought my options this afternoon not yesterday.

    16. TheBattleGnome on

      Everyone needs to understand if you don’t have stop loss set you can lose it all in a matter of days… so let’s go all in on options? 😝

    17. Everyone bashing the poor guy, but selloff pre slit was not in my books either. Do you see nvda post split at 110??

    18. Conscious_Cellist_96 on

      This brings joy to my eyes. Lucky idiot learns he actually can’t trade 🤣 get humbled kiddo! Meanwhile I sit on my 6 figure gains from this week 😊

    19. Wife’s boyfriends are flying off the Paris on the weekend. Manifestation at work means wrecking some smoothbrained regards to pay for it.

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