With Intel earlier this month making the biggest advancement to date in Quantum production dev, QC in 5-10 will be THE post AI-hype wave


    Posted by BosSF82


    1. You can see the battle brewing. It’s going to be like Chips and become a geopolitical and economic race, particularly between the US and China. The main key will be huge R&D budgets or some small dark horse advancement we haven’t yet thought of.




    2. derelict5432 on

      That article you linked to is top 12 quantum stocks to invest in. Intel is #3. You’d prob be better off picking any other stock on that list.

    3. I own intel stock, but all this pushing of intel here is making my hands sweaty.

    4. Daaam a lot of Intel haters here, maybe it *is* time to buy ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31224)

    5. QC is definitely not happening in 5-10.

      You would have better luck betting on nuclear fusion happening before QC hits a useful level.

    6. foo-bar-nlogn-100 on

      Still wont stop them getting squeezed by AMD and Qualcomm.

      Intel stopped innovating to focus on financial engineering once they become a hegemon. That let AMD and Qualcomm (ARM) eat their lunch

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