I must depart fellow regards. I have had a great time on this subreddit. We are all fucked up individuals on this subreddit who actually think we can make some money. I hope most of you wake up, and save yourselves before it's too late. Most of us here keep gambling away our paychecks, I have decided to stop this. I won't even trade stocks cause I know that will just bring me back to options gambling.

    I've been lonely for quite some time and this loss porn is just making me feel a lot worse, fuck me for ever thinking I could reach a 100k

    I don't even know why I own fucking INTC leaps, might as well send one of you fucks $1000.

    Anyways, see you Monday.


    Posted by Bright_Interaction73


    1. I don’t understand why INTC gets hyped up in this sub 5x a week when it has never done anything the past 20 years. Its 2004 price is frickin $30.

      The entire semiconductor sector are up over 23% 1Y, intel is -4%, and -32% 5Y in an industry where everyone is up 1000%+. You can literally blindfold yourself and pick a random stock in the same industry as long as it’s not intel and you have a very high chance it’ll perform better in leaps/shares. Just why…?

    2. ListenInevitable9364 on

      mine is almost the same except i have $630 left. holding on for dear life. bought some lottery tickets for earnings next week why not

    3. Mountain_Tone6438 on

      We all feel that when the line goes in the opposite direction lololol.

      It’s such a gut punch

    4. Hey don’t go!

      You can stay here and check out how people make insane gains being bearish on CRM and Mongo!

    5. Bright_Interaction73 on

      Guys, come on, let’s not joke for a moment. We all need to actually sit down and really understand what’s happening. What are we doing, almost all of us just lose money. What makes us think that we can be different and be millionaires overnight. Please consider this before you just fucking yolo into spy puts or some shit next time. You could use those 3k dollars to buy your mom a gift or something.

    6. SlimyToad5284 on

      Rip my 3K. Monday we will rise from the dead! It’s all a game, you win some you lose some.

    7. Pernicious-Peach on

      Bro, if you’re gonna buy leaps, you have to buy them way in the money otherwise delta decay will just eat you.

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