I see a lot of loss porn and crazy stuff on here and so I’ve decided to share my 5 year portfolio since 2019 to now. I hope this will inspire those who have lost a lot or think it’s impossible to make money. I did it at 18 with 0 experience. And although it is hard to see I’ve been down 30-40-50% at times which felt awful but just like in life you never know when things are going to turn around. You’ve just gotta build a good strategy and constantly keep improving. If you’re curious of a more in depth walk through of my journey and strategy, I’ll put it under here but the gist of my post is:

    • USE MONEY YOU CAN BURN (with 0 pain)🔥✍️
      -STOP SELLING BLUE CHIP STOCKS MONKE (idc if it’s down 2% today 😀)

    So yeah I turned 18 just before C*ckvid 19 and that sucked because I had just started investing when the market died. I lost 70% of my $100 dollars and almost gave up then. That’s the dip #1. If I could give someone advice who is starting like I was I’d say: YouTube, Google, and honestly ChatGPT now. Start simple. Look up what terms are: Stock, ticker, Dow, S&P, Points, Limit buy/sell, Broker, Hedge Fund, Private Equity, EPS. DO NOT FUCKIGN LOOK UP THE WORD OPTION YOU DODO BIRD. 🦤 I did not trade an option until that third spike. But yeah I lost %70 and sold like a dummy but I came back with $50 more bucks (a lot at the time) and I bought a few of those same stocks that tanked. (Travel stocks, cannabis stocks were hyped, Tesla) I bought stocks with low costs so id see higher gains if they went up. (3-5$) Amazon is great but not early value investing. I made back my $100 and some more. I got up to $250. I felt good so decided to buy some risky penny stocks with the extra. I lost my money lol but the key here is I never went below my line and I never gave up. I researched and found a stock that looked good “sundial” and I put in some extra money I had made. It actually sky rocket and I made $1k. Nice.

    THIS WAS AFTER 1 YEAR OF WAKING UP AT 8am everyday and learning and trying and being patient. I “lost” money and made small amounts a lot before this. Please understand that this takes time. If anyone wants a break down of the rest I can share or questions, but this got too long real quick. Sorry. I hope my little story and tips help you guys recover or build. I started with $25 and a free stock. I ended up with $3,000 a year later. Not typical!!! But the bigger point is I put that money in ETFs and now have 10k in savings and make half my rent each month. I have both my cars and college paid off. Stocks are not a way to be rich 🤑 they are a way to grow money. Please be proud of your $20 gains. That’s $7,300 a year if you can do it each day. Love you guys. STAY AWAY FROM OPTIONS. Unless you are rich and like making us laugh. 🤣


    Posted by Snyptart


    1. Physical-Meta321 on

      I appreciate your post! I just started investing. First deposit I made was on the 12th of May. I’m grateful for the current $30 gain, aware that I could lose that and more, but on a day like this along with yesterday…I really appreciate your post. Best wishes

    2. That’s when you get wrecked. I know it’s a joke , but nice trading. Over confidence leads to emotional trading. Stick to the plan.

    3. First off: congratz!

      Second: If you had invested that 5K into a $1 lemonade stand and employed 2 kids to run it every Sunday between 10:00 and 11:00 AM, you’d have made more than that in 5 years.

    4. TheyCallMeBigAndy on

      Made only 5k (92%) in 5 years and you wrote a super long article to talk about your journey. Do you know SPY(+83%) and QQQ(+138%)? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    5. ProfessorDerp22 on

      Your 5 year return doesn’t even beat a growth index fund over the same period of time. But hey, you didn’t lose money so there’s that.

    6. Congrats! It’s the percentage that counts! Bring the profits home and repeat

    7. Impressive-Hope-3125 on

      You might make more money selling a course in 1 month than you did in 5 years

    8. JacobJoke123 on

      You did it at 18 with 0 experience! Congratulations regard! Most people take years and years of trial and error to learn how to successfully under-perform the market, but you managed it all on your own. I’m sure there’s a lot of people, me included who would pay THOUSANDS to learn how to make less than index funds as you have. Truly is hard making money when everything is at market highs. Quite the particular regard.

    9. Reverse4476 on

      if you had invested in just TQQQ or SOXL u wud have had a better result without using your brain

    10. **** deposits 6k into account and takes a screenshot to make it look like it went up

    11. Uncle_Papi_ on

      Please sell bro, so it spikes to the moon. The hedgies are just waiting for you to sell, before they close. Not financial advice, kinda..but seriously..kinda

    12. Dang dude you turned 5k into 10k.

      Now let’s see if you can turn me into yours.

    13. Delicious_Clue_5150 on

      You’ll probably earn more overall from your course than day trading.

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