‘Describe Cathie Wood in one picture’. Done.


    Posted by MarketLab


    1. Optionzdegen on


    2. Only CNBC, Bloomberg Financial push Wood’s picks, but nobody with half a brain bothers listening. Wood often says she doesn’t care about the ETFs performance, then nobody should care to follow her. She’s just like Jim Cramer, do the opposite and your trades & investments will be profitable.

    3. This woman hasn’t been relevant in 3 years. Why the fuck are you still talking about her

    4. AlphaOne69420 on

      If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a thousand times, inverse Cathie

    5. bawtatron2000 on

      I laugh every single time I see her being interviewed on anything. You’d get better financial advice from the guy who sits outside the liquor store asking you for change.

      Where’s all this groundbreaking research?

    6. Moist_Lunch_5075 on

      This is one of the funniest charts I’ve ever seen. Second only to my gambling account. LOL

    7. “ARK shares held” by whom? so someone’s reducing ownership in ARK funds, how’s that relevant to nvidia share price?

    8. smellyfingernail on

      ARK was only in nvidia because of coin mining. Once that went away they started selling and completely missed AI

    9. Funny-Routine-7242 on

      Could be stupidity sure. But maybe other hedge funds were never gonna buy nvdia if ark could sell for profit into them or ark was even driven out?

    10. She got one thing right, which was Tesla, and she was overweight the position. If she had the same conviction with NVDA, people would still wank off over her. As it turns out, she isn’t even average as an investor. Has anyone in the (public) investing world (non-founders, of course) made such a name for themselves by owning a single stock?

    11. I think they sell atuomatically so NVDA maintains a stable % in the portfolio

    12. WeenisWrinkle on

      Lol remember when everyone in this sub said ARKK was an essential holding in any portfolio

    13. So…many comments of people apparently knowing her strategy. Could one of the experts post it here please?

      Because what I’m seeing is a declining position in an explosive upward trend. Healthy, because she’s in the money making business.

    14. Her strategy makes absolutely zero sense. She keeps rebalancing their portfolio so remain certain weights which means they are selling winners and buying losers ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    15. testedonsheep on

      She is like one of those AAPL stock gurus during AAPL’s iPhone era bull run. They are always right until the bull run’s over.

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