I know the market jumped, but why did it jump? I put the area in red for the regards that comment. I just want to make sense of what exactly caused the bump. Thanks.


    Posted by NoSeesaw5882


    1. Because they had wiped the market of the 0DTE calls/puts by that time. Most force close with 30 minutes to market close and this started 25 minutes to market close.

    2. Looked like the FED was buying stock market so their rich mates can enjoy the weekend.

    3. Because some people the sell off ended and decided to buy before next week in case next week pumps. Especially software sector got hit massively this week, it’ll recover, you know it will.

    4. Other-Lobster on

      Do it almost everyday. I can trade until 4:15 with SPY and 4 with SPX so I look for these.

    5. EfficientPizza on

      You know when your partner puts a finger in your butt for the first time? It’s like that.

    6. -KA-SniperFire on

      All these dumb ass comments show how little people know or understand the market. Has nothing to do with how much money mms make. They literally are searching for liquidity.

    7. Zero2Hero2MarginCall on

      last trading day of the month = institutional money is required to allocate or sell certain positions so they count toward this month’s balance sheet… today more institutional money wanted to to be long equities to end the month, likely because they think treasuries are going to flip bearish as rate cuts get closer

      either that or 0DTE ape yolos making mm shit pants and cover shorts

    8. ZealousidealLie9249 on

      What market though? This is just crayons on a blank sheet of paper.

    9. Too many regards retail gamble on options, which means more volatility overall in the market. If people would just buy shares people selling cc and cs wouldnt need to do these types of moves.

    10. Invest0rnoob1 on

      They ran it down so people would sell / go short they buy up cheaper and then run it back up.

    11. _another_throwawayy_ on

      Idk , but I bought 5, June 4th $530c for $7 each, and sold them for $56 each ten minutes later

    12. It’s the markets signal that it bottomed. Large reversal candle confirms this

    13. If you ever do try to yolo into 0dte like 20 minutes before close, make sure you call your broker and tell them not to touch your account.

      Say you bought calls to play a swing like this. As soon as they go itm, your broker’s system will auto sell the options if it detects you don’t have enough cash to exercise.

    14. If you ever do try to yolo into 0dte like 20 minutes before close, make sure you call your broker and tell them not to touch your account.

      Say you bought calls to play a swing like this. As soon as they go itm, your broker’s system will auto sell the options if it detects you don’t have enough cash to exercise.

    15. 6x6cuttouncut on

      Market manipulation is the game slap the longs in the am slap the puts feds buy bonds lower the yields and they turn on the buying algorithm its all a game every stock moves exactly at the same time is bullcrap this isn’t a free market algorithms dictate prices.

    16. End of day is dominated by insts. This is why 0DTEs are always a shit bet, because they always get closed (rightly so) before EOD.

      If you’re a big Inst, you need a few things towards the end of the trading day:

      1) Large liquidity — the book must be built to facilitate large trades. Early trades are on a weaker book.

      2) Redemptions — You need to make sure that all of your obligations are met on a day to day basis. If you need to sell and to cover your redemption you can do so, but if you have cash leftover at the end of the day–time to ante up.

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