Boeing and NASA call off Starliner crew launch minutes before liftoff -CNBC.

    Posted by batyrshah


    1. HighwayTurbulent4188 on

      Boieng’s Starliner capsule has a serious problem or it’s bad luck.

    2. Ok-Cheesecake-5110 on

      I bought puts yesterday, forgetting that I’ll be out of cell service and without internet till Wednesday afternoon šŸ™ƒ

    3. BirdoInBoston on

      No šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€

      Perhaps the door didnā€™t seal properlyā€¦

    4. Toiletpaperpanic2020 on

      NASA: Sorry, brainfart. Forgot we hired a company that replaced their engineers with sales people to do important space things. Now take your shit and GTFO.

    5. Optionzdegen on

      Those calls next week aren’t lifting off either ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)

    6. Gemini_Of_Wallstreet on

      1. From what i understand NASAā€™s computer decided to cancel the landing, we still donā€™t know why.

      Ā 2. They can try again tomorrow, on the 5th or the 6th.

      Ā 3. No Iā€™m not on copium you are.

    7. planetrainguy on

      Ground Launch Sequencer automatic scrub. Ground equipment issue per nasaTV

    8. used_condom_taster on

      I heard rumor that theyā€™re replacing the flight crew with Boeing whistleblowers.

      ā€œBoeing was also seen loading hundreds of boxes marked ā€˜confidentialā€™ onto the rocket.ā€ ā€” Source: USA Tomorrow

    9. X211499Reddit on

      They only had 19/20 whistleblowers on board thatā€™s why they postponed it

    10. flyboy_1285 on

      Without SpaceX how much in shambles would our space program be? Imagine NASA begging to Russia for rides to keep the ISS from de-orbiting at this point.

    11. Boeing is giving MOAT a f***** new definition. Jeez, this company pretty much has the world of aviation in a chokeholders chokehold.

    12. Boeing and Nasa?

      Two companies that have the same outlook on flight safety and regulations, I.e. the “let’s wing it” gang

    13. Snooprematic on

      BA 2 ez. Accountants and MBAā€™s donā€™t shit about space. Stay in your lane. Stick to grifting the US govt.

    14. ValuableMiddle378 on

      BA, The NVDA of the sky.

      Edit: I mean AMD, They just keep failing.

    15. GlueSniffingCat on

      Get the guy who called off the launch into witness protection right now.

    16. UnAmusedBag on

      Imagine being the 2 astronauts for this Launch. Reading news about BOEING assassination and quality control.

      Astronauts: “OH shit.. we might die and never come back.. let’s keep delaying. I want to live”

      Boeing: “Get in the cockpit or you die”

      Astronauts: “We’ll die either way!”

    17. InterPeritura on


      Another sacrifice on the altar! ~~Cthulhu~~William E. Boeing demands it!

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