Here’s the update some of you wanted. We ain’t finished yet. 49k —>66k—>70k. Follow along (ResurrectRiches on X) to see this comeback.

    Posted by From_the_ashes93


    1. -Indictment- on

      Yes, coming back shouldn’t be a problem. You appear to be very skilled at this. I’d say good luck, but you obviously don’t need it.

    2. potahtopotarto on

      Jesus christ stop before it’s all gone

      edit – just read on your twitter this is debt and you’ve sold your house to deposit again. Dude seriously get help, this is insane.

    3. HungryLikeTheVVolf on

      Probably should change the account name from investing to “I hate money”

    4. iknowdemfeelsbro326 on

      Im going to print this picture out and look at it everytime I feel bad about anything in life

    5. Stickopolis5959 on

      I really wish people like you would just donate money to food banks and homeless shelters

    6. calculussmash on

      Do you post your positions/plays on X? I’m always looking for more quality inverse indicators.

    7. You’re about to hit that 3rd mini peak before it falls of the face of the earth. Give us an update in 2 weeks OP. (Please stop)

    8. Sad_Story_4714 on

      Why don’t you just buy shares and trade that way? When you’ve got a portfolio this size it’ll still grow crazy with 2-5% increases

    9. BlazingCrypto on

      What you do from here is you take the decision you think you should make and do the exact opposite

    10. nofaplove-it on

      Just one 10x and you double your initial investment ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)

    11. Buddy you got 70k, which is a lot of money to most people (including me). Just stop now while you’ve still got it.

    12. I see two impressive spikes on the way down. Those were the days!!! 🚀🚀🚀

    13. That’s not bad percentage wise totally doable. I’m down 30k all time went from -91% to -74% on Friday . Woop woop.

    14. This is the kind of person who will one day be photographed near* the 60th floor of the empire state building.

      *Near as in at the same altitude, but a little to the left.

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