Rate cut confirmed this year


    Posted by johnloc97


    1. Mountain_Tone6438 on

      Lololol. Legit.

      Rich people sending the bat signal for rate cuts 😉

    2. He cut his hair, why not interest?

      I’ll cut my hair once interest is cut I guess.

    3. This is the most jarring GQ’esque representation of the Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell.

    4. He is definitely not in control. Every since the big government spending kicked in, we move from monetary to fiscal dominance. So he can cut rates, he can raise rates, and the effect will be muted.

    5. Psychological-Wing89 on

      Are his eyes blue ?

      I’m looking for a guy in finance, trust fund, 6’5, blue eyes

    6. Oblivious-Speculator on

      Rate is not relevant anymore, what matters is Jensen and his leather jacket

    7. mark1forever on

      I knew it all along, he won’t cut rates this year, why? because big corporations big banks loooove it!

    8. Junior-Damage7568 on

      They are already cutting QT big time. Maybe they see something that general public cannot see yet.

    9. cranberrydudz on

      Rate cuts won’t happen in the foreseeable future Debt is running out of control and high interest rates are helping to slow it down. Government spending needs to chill until we can tame our deficit levels to a more sustainable level.

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